Beamer 与 Tikzpicture。如何更改图片比例和节点线之间的距离?

Beamer 与 Tikzpicture。如何更改图片比例和节点线之间的距离?

我是 LaTeX 的初学者,正在尝试转换演示文稿beamer。我遇到了scale似乎不起作用的选项的困难,并且我找不到一种方法来稍微减少 tikz 图片节点中文本行之间的空间

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames, smaller]{beamer}
\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} 
\mode<presentation> {
% \usetheme{default}

\title{\textcolor{white}{Test slide}} %Normal title
\section{First section}
\section{Second section}
\section{Third section}
\section{Fourth section}
\section{Sixth section}

\begin{frame}[fragile]{Extremely long title for this particular slide, further elongated to serve as example}
\alert {Include all value -added and non value-added steps (Process steps, inspection/test, rework, scrap, delay\dots)}\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, %does not seem to work
     start chain,
     node distance=2mm,
     mynode/.style={draw, fill= cyan!20, text width=1.5cm, text badly centered, inner sep=0.5 ex, rounded corners= 0.2 ex,join=by #1},
\node [mynode,on chain] {Move\\ Move \\ material\\from \\ storage};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Wait\\ Store \\ in \\staging\\ area};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Set-up\\ Set up \\ \& \\ adjust die, reeler\dots};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Stamp \\four-out die,\\ six\\ stations\\ in die\\};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Move\\ Move\\ to\\ inspection,\\ wait};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Inventory\\ Return to stores to wait further processing};
\textbf{\textcolor{green}{Transactional (Non-Manufacturing)}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, font=\footnotesize,
     start chain,
     node distance=2mm,
     mynode/.style={draw, fill= cyan!20, text width=2.5cm, text badly centered, inner sep=0.5 ex, rounded corners= 0.2 ex,join=by #1},
\node [mynode,on chain] {Answer phone Greet customer  Determine parts needed\\ Identify need date\\ Identify price  Identify shipping address \& method};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Internal information\\ Get internal P/N\\ Determine terms\\ Identify\\ leadtime \\Complete\\ order\\ worksheet};
\node [mynode,on chain] {Order entry\\Input\\ information\\Print order confirmation\\ Determinin ship date \\ review order};
\node [mynode,on chain] {File / Queue \\ File for\\ end-of-day\\ processing\\ queue for\\batch download 10:00 est. next work day};


当您使用 时scale,请考虑同时使用transform shape,以便通过选项将变换(此处为缩放)应用于节点或整个图片。例如:

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.8, transform shape, ...
