不使用 graphics.sty 旋转整个 tikzpicture

不使用 graphics.sty 旋转整个 tikzpicture

这个问题与这里. 问题在下文中提出。


  ld/.style={level distance=#1},lw/.style={line width=#1},
  level 1/.style={ld=4.5mm, trunk, lw=1ex ,sibling angle=60},
  level 2/.style={ld=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,lw=.8ex,sibling angle=56},
  level 3/.style={ld=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,lw=.6ex,sibling angle=52},
  level 4/.style={ld=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,lw=.4ex,sibling angle=48},
  level 5/.style={ld=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,lw=.3ex,sibling angle=44},
  level 6/.style={ld=1.75mm,leaf a, lw=.2ex,sibling angle=40},
  \pgfarrowsleftextend{-2pt} \pgfarrowsrightextend{1pt}

\def\mytextcolor@a#1 #2\nil#3{%
  \mytextcolor@a#2 \nil{#1}%

  \colorlet{leaf a}{#3}
  \colorlet{leaf b}{#4}
  % Question:
  % Which tikz feature can I use in place of the following \rotatebox
  % to avoid double rotation in the tikzpicture?
%  \rotatebox{#8}{%
    % One rotation is here:
      \draw[border,line width=1ex,yshift=.3cm,
        (1,0) to [out=90, in=0] (0,1) to [out=180,in=90] (-1,0)
        to [out=-90,in=-180] (0,-1) to [out=0, in=-90] (1,0) -- cycle;
      \coordinate (root) [grow cyclic,rotate=90]
        child {
          child [line cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
            child foreach \b in {0,1} {
              child foreach \c in {0,1} {
                child foreach \d in {0,1} {
                child foreach \leafcolor in {leaf a,leaf b}
                  { edge from parent [color=\leafcolor,-#5] }
          edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,line cap=butt]
      % Another rotation here:
      \node [rotate=#8,scale=1,align=center,below] at (0pt,-.5ex){%
%  }

  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{45}
  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{45}





环境范围不会旋转整个图片。Andrew Stacey 在评论中证实了确实如此。


  ld/.style={level distance=#1},lw/.style={line width=#1},
  level 1/.style={ld=4.5mm, trunk, lw=1ex ,sibling angle=60},
  level 2/.style={ld=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,lw=.8ex,sibling angle=56},
  level 3/.style={ld=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,lw=.6ex,sibling angle=52},
  level 4/.style={ld=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,lw=.4ex,sibling angle=48},
  level 5/.style={ld=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,lw=.3ex,sibling angle=44},
  level 6/.style={ld=1.75mm,leaf a, lw=.2ex,sibling angle=40},
  \pgfarrowsleftextend{-2pt} \pgfarrowsrightextend{1pt}

\def\mytextcolor@a#1 #2\nil#3{%
  \mytextcolor@a#2 \nil{#1}%

  \colorlet{leaf a}{#3}
  \colorlet{leaf b}{#4}
%  \rotatebox{#8}{%
      \draw[border,line width=1ex,yshift=.3cm,
        (1,0) to [out=90, in=0] (0,1) to [out=180,in=90] (-1,0)
        to [out=-90,in=-180] (0,-1) to [out=0, in=-90] (1,0) -- cycle;
      \coordinate (root) [grow cyclic,rotate=90]
        child {
          child [line cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
            child foreach \b in {0,1} {
              child foreach \c in {0,1} {
                child foreach \d in {0,1} {
                child foreach \leafcolor in {leaf a,leaf b}
                  { edge from parent [color=\leafcolor,-#5] }
          edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,line cap=butt]
      \node [scale=1,align=center,below] at (0pt,-.5ex){%
%  }

  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{45}
  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{45}


节点形状几乎就像一个独立的 TikZ 图片,在开始绘制节点形状之前,变换矩阵被重置为单位矩阵。以下是几种不同的情况

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=45,every node/.style={draw}]
\node (a) {A};
\node (b) at (1,0) {B};                   % Location obeys the transform
\node[transform shape] (c) at (-1,0) {C}; % Transformation is passed to the node too
\pgflowlevel{\pgftransformrotate{-45}}    % Works directly on the canvas,overrides anything, 
                                          % added to the current transformation, and 
                                          % the bounding box is not updated.
\node (d) at (1,0) {D}; 





  ld/.style={level distance=#1},lw/.style={line width=#1},
  level 1/.style={ld=4.5mm, trunk, lw=1ex ,sibling angle=60},
  level 2/.style={ld=3.5mm, trunk!80!leaf a,lw=.8ex,sibling angle=56},
  level 3/.style={ld=2.75mm,trunk!60!leaf a,lw=.6ex,sibling angle=52},
  level 4/.style={ld=2mm, trunk!40!leaf a,lw=.4ex,sibling angle=48},
  level 5/.style={ld=1mm, trunk!20!leaf a,lw=.3ex,sibling angle=44},
  level 6/.style={ld=1.75mm,leaf a, lw=.2ex,sibling angle=40},
  \pgfarrowsleftextend{-2pt} \pgfarrowsrightextend{1pt}

\def\mytextcolor@a#1 #2\nil#3{%
  \mytextcolor@a#2 \nil{#1}%

  \colorlet{leaf a}{#3}
  \colorlet{leaf b}{#4}
%  \rotatebox{#8}{%
%    \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\scriptsize\scshape]
      \draw[border,line width=1ex,yshift=.3cm,
        (1,0) to [out=90, in=0] (0,1) to [out=180,in=90] (-1,0)
        to [out=-90,in=-180] (0,-1) to [out=0, in=-90] (1,0) -- cycle;
      \coordinate (root) [grow cyclic,rotate=90]
        child {
          child [line cap=round] foreach \a in {0,1} {
            child foreach \b in {0,1} {
              child foreach \c in {0,1} {
                child foreach \d in {0,1} {
                child foreach \leafcolor in {leaf a,leaf b}
                  { edge from parent [color=\leafcolor,-#5] }
          edge from parent [shorten >=-1pt,serif cm-,line cap=butt]
      \node [scale=1,align=center,below,transform shape] at (0pt,-.5ex){%
%    \end{tikzpicture}
%  }

  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{0,0}
  {border}{Theoretical Computer Science}{3,0}


  • 我从命令中删除了\begin{tikzpicture}and ,所以现在你不能再在环境之外使用它了\end{tikzpicture}\logotikzpicture
  • 我将参数重新定义#8为平移而不是旋转
  • 现在,旋转已添加到tikzpicture封闭的所有\logo命令中
  • 节点文本也需要transform shape旋转
