Tikz:: 在 3D 中移动和旋转?

Tikz:: 在 3D 中移动和旋转?

我想在 3D 空间中平移(Tx,Ty,Tz)和旋转一个以类似于在 2D 空间中的方式(roll,pitch,yaw)定义的对象,如下所示:scope

% draw some object

有没有简单的方法实现 3D 旋转和平移?


这是一个解决方案,但仅适用于平移(到目前为止)。它利用了内部TikZ将 3D 点处理为 2D 点的事实。因此,您的 3D 移位向量保存在坐标中,mytranslation然后该坐标为 2D 点,因此可以传递给shift。粗线只是为了说明平移已正确完成:


{   \coordinate (mytranslation) at (#1);

{   \coordinate (a) at (0,0,0);
    \coordinate (b) at (5,1,0);
    \coordinate (c) at (2,4,0);
    \coordinate (d) at (1,-1,-4);
    \draw (a) -- (b) (a) -- (c) (a) -- (d) (b) -- (c) (b) -- (d) (c) -- (d);



    \draw[very thick,red] (0,0,0) -- (5,0,0);

    \draw[very thick,blue] (0,0,0) -- (0,6,0);

    \draw[very thick,green!50!gray] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,8);

    \draw[very thick,orange] (0,0,0) -- (-5,0,-2);



编辑1:我终于完成了旋转,但那太麻烦了。我首先为 RPY​​ 旋转打下了数学基础,非常好矩阵。然后我借用了安德鲁·史黛西这个问题:通过 找出(笛卡尔)单位向量指向的位置\pgfgetlastxy。然后只需将矩阵写成Tikz符号,\pgfgetlastxy再使用一次,就可以了!


\newcommand{\rotateRPY}[3]% roll, pitch, yaw
{   \pgfmathsetmacro{\rollangle}{#1}

    % to what vector is the x unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \path (\newxx,\newxy,\newxz);

    % to what vector is the y unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newyy}{sin(\yawangle)*sin(\pitchangle)*sin(\rollangle)+ cos(\yawangle)*cos(\rollangle)}
    \path (\newyx,\newyy,\newyz);

    % to what vector is the z unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newzx}{cos(\yawangle)*sin(\pitchangle)*cos(\rollangle)+ sin(\yawangle)*sin(\rollangle)}
    \path (\newzx,\newzy,\newzz);



    \cos \alpha \cos \beta
&   \textcolor{red}{\cos \alpha \sin \beta \sin \gamma - \sin \alpha \cos \gamma}
&   \cos \alpha \sin \beta \cos \gamma + \sin \alpha \sin \gamma \\
    \textcolor{red}{\sin \alpha \cos \beta}
&   \sin \alpha \sin \beta \sin \gamma + \cos \alpha \cos \gamma
&   \textcolor{red}{\sin \alpha \sin \beta \cos \gamma - \cos \alpha \sin \gamma} \\
    - \sin \beta
&   \textcolor{red}{\cos \beta \sin \gamma}
&   \cos \beta \cos \gamma
\end{pmatrix}\\p'=R\cdot p$

    \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);

    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
        \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 0,0,45};
    \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);

    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
        \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 0,30,0};

\draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);

    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
        \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 80,0,0};
\draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
    \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);

    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
        \draw[-latex] node at (3.5,0,0) {x} (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,3.5,0) {y} (0,0,0) -- (0,3,0);
        \draw[-latex] node at (0,0,3.5) {z} (0,0,0) -- (0,0,3);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 13,171,55};



编辑2:现在,您可以将一个点传递给命令,并确定它映射到哪个新的 xyz 坐标。此外,灵感来自赫伯特的解决方案,现在有一个更好的例子,以立方体和箭头为特色:



{   \coordinate (a) at (-2,-2,-2);
    \coordinate (b) at (-2,-2,2);
    \coordinate (c) at (-2,2,-2);
    \coordinate (d) at (-2,2,2);
    \coordinate (e) at (2,-2,-2);
    \coordinate (f) at (2,-2,2);
    \coordinate (g) at (2,2,-2);
    \coordinate (h) at (2,2,2);
    \draw (a)--(b) (a)--(c) (a)--(e) (b)--(d) (b)--(f) (c)--(d) (c)--(g) (d)--(h) (e)--(f) (e)--(g) (f)--(h) (g)--(h);
    \fill (a) circle (0.1cm);
    \fill (d) ++(0.1cm,0.1cm) rectangle ++(-0.2cm,-0.2cm);

\newcommand{\rotateRPY}[4][0/0/0]% point to be saved to \savedxyz, roll, pitch, yaw
{   \pgfmathsetmacro{\rollangle}{#2}

    % to what vector is the x unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newxx}{cos(\yawangle)*cos(\pitchangle)}% a
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newxy}{sin(\yawangle)*cos(\pitchangle)}% d
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newxz}{-sin(\pitchangle)}% g
    \path (\newxx,\newxy,\newxz);

    % to what vector is the y unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newyx}{cos(\yawangle)*sin(\pitchangle)*sin(\rollangle)-sin(\yawangle)*cos(\rollangle)}% b
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newyy}{sin(\yawangle)*sin(\pitchangle)*sin(\rollangle)+ cos(\yawangle)*cos(\rollangle)}% e
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newyz}{cos(\pitchangle)*sin(\rollangle)}% h
    \path (\newyx,\newyy,\newyz);

    % to what vector is the z unit vector transformed, and which 2D vector is this?
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\newzx}{cos(\yawangle)*sin(\pitchangle)*cos(\rollangle)+ sin(\yawangle)*sin(\rollangle)}
    \path (\newzx,\newzy,\newzz);

    % transform the point given by #1
    \foreach \x/\y/\z in {#1}
    {   \pgfmathsetmacro{\transformedx}{\x*\newxx+\y*\newyx+\z*\newzx}



    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
    \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=2,-latex,thick, blue] (-2,2) arc (135:236:2.828);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 0,0,101};
    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
    \draw[canvas is xz plane at y=2,-latex,thick, blue] (-2,2) arc (135:80:2.828);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 0,55,0};

    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
    \draw[canvas is yz plane at x=-2,-latex,thick, blue] (2,2) arc (45:106:2.828);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 71,0,0};
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1,align=left,text=blue] at (5,2)  {-2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedx \\ 2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedy \\ 2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedz};  
    \begin{scope}[draw=red, text=red,fill=red,densely dashed,RPY]
    \draw[blue,ultra thick] (-2,2,2) -- (\savedx,2,2) -- (\savedx,\savedy,2) -- (\savedx,\savedy,\savedz) circle (0.25);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1,align=left,text=green!50!gray] at (5,0)  {-2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedx \\ -2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedy \\ -2 $\longrightarrow$ \savedz};
    \draw[green!50!gray,ultra thick] (-2,-2,-2) -- (\savedx,-2,-2) -- (\savedx,\savedy,-2) -- (\savedx,\savedy,\savedz) circle (0.25);
    \node[fill=white,fill opacity=0.7,text opacity=1] {RPY: 13,171,55};




以 PStricks 为例。运行xelatex

\psset{viewpoint=20 60 20 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=10 15 7,Decran=20}
\psSolid[object=grille,base=-3 3 -3 3,fillcolor=red!50]
\psSolid[object=cube,a=2,ngrid=3,transform={.75 3 .5 scaleOpoint3d}](2,0,1)
\psSolid[object=cube,a=2,ngrid=3,RotZ=30,transform={ 3 -2 0 addv3d },action=draw](-2,0,0)
  • 第一个立方体:绕 x 轴和 y 轴旋转(立方体中心位于 (-2,0,0) )
  • 第二:缩放 x=0.75, y=3, z=0.5 (中心为 (2,0,1) )
  • 第三次:绕 z 轴旋转并移动 (3,-2,0) (中心位于 (-2,0,0) )

