Beamer - 结合创建覆盖层的方式

Beamer - 结合创建覆盖层的方式




    \item text 1
    \item text 2




然而,这失败了;pic1 没有显示。

我猜问题在于 pic1 的 includegraphics 出现在暂停之后,但我怎样才能将它放在暂停之前并确保它与 pic2 位于同一位置?







% put a node on absolute position on the page
% (two compilations is necessary to get a good placement)
% #1: anchor of the page
% #2: shift vector
% #3: anchor of the node
% #4: minimum height of the node
% #5: minimum width of the node
% #6: content
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \path (current page.#1) ++ (#2)
    node[#3,minimum height=#4,minimum width=#5]{#6};
% put a node 5mm above the south of the page
% #1: min height
% #2: content
% put a node 5mm to the left of the east of the page
% #1: min width
% #2: content

% put a node 5mm to the right of the west of the page
% #1: min width
% #2: content


\begin{frame}{Frame with images at bottom}
  \item Pellentesque interdum sapien sed nulla.
  \item Proin tincidunt.
  \item Aliquam volutpat est vel massa.
  \item Sed dolor lacus, imperdiet non, ornare non, commodo eu,
    neque. Integer pretium semper justo.
  \vspace*{47mm} % 5mm (margin) + 42mm (max height of images)

\begin{frame}{Frame with images on the right}

    \column{\linewidth-5mm-47mm} % \linewidth - (margin) - (max width of images)

    \item Pellentesque interdum sapien sed nulla.
    \item Proin tincidunt.
    \item Aliquam volutpat est vel massa.
    \item Sed dolor lacus, imperdiet non, ornare non, commodo eu,
      neque. Integer pretium semper justo.
    \item Proin tincidunt.
    \item Aliquam volutpat est vel massa.
    \item Sed dolor lacus, imperdiet non, ornare non, commodo eu,
      neque. Integer pretium semper justo.

    \column{47mm} % (max width of images)


\begin{frame}{Frame with images on the left}

    \column{30mm} % (max width of images)

    \column{\linewidth-5mm-30mm} % \linewidth - (margin) - (max xidth of images)

    \item Pellentesque interdum sapien sed nulla.
    \item Proin tincidunt.
    \item Aliquam volutpat est vel massa.
    \item Sed dolor lacus, imperdiet non, ornare non, commodo eu,
      neque. Integer pretium semper justo.
    \item Proin tincidunt.
    \item Aliquam volutpat est vel massa.
    \item Sed dolor lacus, imperdiet non, ornare non, commodo eu,
      neque. Integer pretium semper justo.



您可以使用 TikZ 在绝对位置添加图片,并且可以使用选项<+->itemize使用增量叠加规范。我添加了调用vfill\vspace...保留图像空间。





% put a node 5mm above the bottom of the page
% (two compilations required to get a good placement)
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \node[anchor=south] at ([yshift=5mm]current page.south) {#1};

  \item text 1 \myabsoluteplace{\includegraphics<.>[height=40mm]{example-image}}
  \item text 2  \myabsoluteplace{\includegraphics<.>[height=30mm]{example-image-a}}
  \item text 3 \myabsoluteplace{\includegraphics<.>[height=20mm]{example-image}}
  \item text 4  \myabsoluteplace{\includegraphics<.>[height=42mm]{example-image-a}}
  \vspace*{47mm} % 5mm (margin) + 42mm (max images)






    \item<1-> text1
    \item<2> text2






以下是一个比保罗的答案更弱的答案,但不需要 tikz,其中的数字是 foo-1.pdf、foo-2.pdf、foo-3.pdf 等等。

    \item one
    \item two
    \item three
