您可以使用 PGFPlots 来执行此操作。您可以为表中的不同图生成 x 和 y 分量,然后在普通散点图中使用这些分量,或者使用quiver
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
% Create a function for generating inverse normally distributed numbers using the Box–Muller transform
% Create the data columns. \pgfplotstablerow is the row index
create on use/index/.style={
create col/expr={\pgfplotstablerow}
create on use/negcorr/.style={
create col/expr={24-\pgfplotstablerow}
create on use/clusterx/.style={ % Offset half the data by 4
create col/expr={rand+(\pgfplotstablerow<12)*4}
create on use/clustery/.style={
create col/expr={rand+(\pgfplotstablerow<12)*4}
create on use/circlex/.style={
create col/expr={cos(\pgfplotstablerow*360/24)}
create on use/circley/.style={
create col/expr={sin(\pgfplotstablerow*360/24)}
create on use/normalx/.style={
create col/expr={invgauss(rnd,rnd)}
create on use/normaly/.style={
create col/expr={invgauss(rnd,rnd)}
% Save the datatable to a file so it can be used with the quiver style
% Create plot styles for the scatter and parallel plots
scatterplot/.style args={#1,#2}{
width=4cm, height=4cm,
only marks, mark size=1,
xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
parallel/.style args={#1,#2}{
width=4cm, height=4cm,
no markers,
xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty,
table/x expr=24,
quiver={u=24,v=\thisrow{#2}-y} % The quiver plots use relative coordinates, so we'll have to subtract the y coordinate
% Create commands for making the plots easier
\begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis left, trim axis right]
\addplot [black] table {data.csv};
\begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis left, trim axis right]
\addplot [black] table {data.csv};
Jake 更进一步,完美地生成了数据表。所以现在这个已经过时了,因为我想举个例子,最后说如果有实际数据会更好但是不要紧 :)
\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=5 by 2},view={0}{0},xtick=\empty,ytick=\empty,ztick=\empty,enlargelimits=false]
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{#1},{-#1} ) (3,{#1},{-#1} )};
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{#1},{-#1} ) (3,{-#1},{#1} )};
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{3+rand},{3+rand})};
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{-3+rand},{-3+rand}) (3,{-3+rand},{-3+rand})};
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{sin(#1+5)},{cos(#1+5)} ) (3,{sin(#1+95)},{cos(#1+95)} ) };
\addplot3[only marks] coordinates {(0,{5*rand},{5*rand} ) (3,{5*rand},{5*rand})};
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{#1},{-#1} ) (3,{#1},{-#1} )};
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{#1},{-#1} ) (3,{#1},{#1} )};
\nextgroupplot[enlarge x limits=false]
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{3+rand},{3+rand}) (3,{3+rand},{3+rand})};
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{-3+rand},{-3+rand}) (3,{-3+rand},{-3+rand})};
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{sin(#1+5)},{cos(#1+5)} ) (3,{sin(#1+95)},{cos(#1+95)} ) };
\addplot3[no marks] coordinates {(0,{5*rand},{5*rand} ) (3,{5*rand},{5*rand})};