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\title[July 2012 H4 Test Beam\hspace{3cm} Stony Brook, NYC]{July 2012 H4 Test Beam}
\author[Stamatopoulos N. Athanasios\hspace{2.5cm}{[email protected]}]    {Stamatopoulos N. Athanasios}





\frametitle{Short Introduction}
\item Micromegas Telescope
\item Laboratory Set-up
\item Signal to Noise Ratio Optimization
\item Double Spectrum Issue
\item Tracker Configuration
\item High Voltage
\item Resistivity
\item Front End Chip
\item Software
\item Data Acquisition Software
\item Preliminary Data Visualisation
\item Data Analysis
\item Characterisation of the tracking system
\item $1M\Omega/\Box\;Vs\;100k\Omega/\Box$
\item Position Scan

\section{Micromegas Telescope}

Good Morning Vietnam!!!






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\frametitle{Short Introduction}
\item Micromegas Telescope
\item Laboratory Set-up
\item Signal to Noise Ratio Optimization
\item Double Spectrum Issue
\item Tracker Configuration
\item High Voltage
\item Resistivity
\item Front End Chip

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\frametitle{Short Introduction}
\item Micromegas Telescope
\item Laboratory Set-up
\item Signal to Noise Ratio Optimization
\item Double Spectrum Issue
\item Tracker Configuration
\item High Voltage
\item Resistivity
\item Front End Chip

