如何自动包含 bib 文件中的 PDF

如何自动包含 bib 文件中的 PDF

我使用 Mendeley 生成的 BIB 列表,其中包含一个名为“文件”的项目,其中包含每个条目的 PDF 路径。




因此,我正在寻找一个函数,给定一个 bib 项,它将返回保存在file我的 bib 文件条目中的路径。


address = {Aachen, Germany},
author = {Masiero, Bruno },
booktitle = {DAGA},
file = {:D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Fels_2011_Equalization for Binaural Synthesis with Headphone.pdf:pdf},
month = mar,
title = {Equalization for Binaural Synthesis with Headphone},
year = {2011}


file = {:D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Pelzer\_2010\_Study of Phase Reconstruction Methods Employed at Room Acoustic Simulation.pdf:pdf},

file = {:D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Pollow\_2010\_A review of the compressive sampling framework in the lights of spherical harmonics applications to distributed spherical arrays.pdf:pdf},

file = {::D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Pollow, Fels\_2011\_Design of a Fast Broadband Individual Head-Related Transfer Function Measurement System.pdf:pdf},

file = {:D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Qiu\_2009\_Two Listeners Crosstalk Cancellation System Modelled by Four Point Sources and Two Rigid Spheres.pdf:pdf},

file = {:D\:/Users/masiero/Documents/My Dropbox/Literature/pdf/Masiero, Ribeiro, Nascimento\_2008\_Transducer Placement Strategy for Active Noise Control of Power Transformers\_Fortschritte der Akustik -- DAGA.pdf:pdf},



  1. 重新映射(以下奥黛丽的回答向 biblatex 条目添加新字段) 该file字段转换为 biber 和 biblatex 可以理解的自定义字段(例如usera);
  2. 创建一个bibmacro调用includepdf(从pdfpages包裹);
  3. 将其附加到citebibmacro(或创建一个新的 cite 命令)。



然后我创建了一个 MWE:


% This is to create our dummy bib file
    author = {A. Author},
    title = {Title},
    journal = {A Journal},
    volume = {x},
    year = {2012},
    file = {/tmp/foo.pdf}
\end{filecontents}% end bib file
                  % (change the pdf location accordingly)

\usepackage[style=verbose,backend=biber]{biblatex}% I'm used to verbose style;
                                                  % with numeric, the result is weird.
  \addbibresource{\jobname.bib}% Loads the bib file created with filecontents (above)

% This changes a 'file' field into a 'usera' field which biber\biblatex can understand:
\DeclareSourcemap{% I took this from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/65403/5872

\usepackage{pdfpages}% This package allows us to include pdf files (or pages)

% We create a bibmacro to include the pdf...

\usepackage{xpatch}% This package allows us to patch (bib)macros

% ... and then we tell the 'cite' bibmacro to call it:





.bib 文件示例的 PDF

编辑:除了修补 xpatch` cite' bibmacro with,您还可以定义一个新的引用命令,例如:

