


这个问题类似于或这个。第一个链接中的解决方案似乎过于手动,第二个看起来不错,但我无法将其编译到 beamer 文档中,第三个仅涉及图形计数器的问题。我尝试使用环境lrbox来保存图形的内容,但这似乎也不起作用:


\begin{frame}{First Frame}
      \draw (0,0) -- ++(75:1 cm) -- ++(-75:1 cm);

  Some text.
\begin{frame}{Other Frame}
    \caption{Description (again).}
  More text.

还尝试了其他变化,例如用 包围figure环境lrbox、移到lrbox外面frame等等,但这些也没有起作用。



\frametitle<1>{First Frame}
\frametitle<2>{Other Frame}
      \draw (0,0) -- ++(75:1 cm) -- ++(-75:1 cm);
  Some text. 
  More text. % imagine there are some equations or other counters here; the equation numbering would be wrong
% later...



  • \begin{lrbox}在 a 中拥有etcframe使它成为 的局部frame,因此以后无法调用它,除非定义一个globallrbox环境并使用它。这样的定义可以通过

    \patchcmd{\globallrbox}{\setbox}{\global\setbox}{}{\showtokens{patching globallrbox failed}}
  • 图形编号会有所不同,因为\caption命令负责分配编号,而您有两个\caption命令。尝试将整个figure环境放在一个框中可能并不容易(而且您也不能caption在没有环境的情况下将 放在框中figure),并且不允许您第二次将文本“(再次)”附加到标题,所以最好摆弄标签/计数器,就像我下面所做的那样,扩展示例以显示在中间放置其他图形的效果。




\newcommand*{\localsetcounter}[2]{% same as LaTeX's \setcounter, but removed the \global
    \@ifundefined {c@#1}{\@nocounterr {#1}}%
    {\csname c@#1\endcsname #2\relax}%

\newcommand*{\reusefigurecounter}[1]{%only use this within your figure environment to keep the changes local to that environment, and before the \caption command!



  \begin{lrbox}{\myfigurebox}% the lrbox is outside any frames, but after \begin{document} so that the right fonts and things are set up, and before we first want to use it
      \draw (0,0) -- ++(75:1 cm) -- ++(-75:1 cm);

\begin{frame}{First Frame}
  Some text.

\begin{frame}{Another Frame}
    something else
  Some text.

\begin{frame}{Other Frame}
    \caption{Description (again).}
  More text.

\begin{frame}{Another Frame}
    something else entirely
  Some text.








\newcommand*{\localsetcounter}[2]{% same as LaTeX's \setcounter, but removed the \global
    \@ifundefined {c@#1}{\@nocounterr {#1}}%
    {\csname c@#1\endcsname #2\relax}%

\newcommand*{\reusefigurecounter}[1]{%#1=label, only use this within your figure environment to keep the changes local to that environment, and before the \caption command!

\patchcmd{\globallrbox}{\setbox}{\global\setbox}{}{\showtokens{patching globallrbox failed}}

\newenvironment{figureandsave}[2]{% parameters #1=label name,#2=caption

% can use savefigure within or outside of a frame, but always after \begin{document}
\newenvironment*{savefigure}[1]{% parameters #1=label name
    \expandafter\newbox\expandafter{\csname savedfigure#1box\endcsname}%use \newbox instead of \newsavebox as we have to allow beamer to process the same figure multiple times if a frame contains multiple slides
    \begin{globallrbox}{\csname savedfigure#1box\endcsname}%

% use \figurefirstuse the first time you want to show the figure
\newcommand\figurefirstuse[2]{% parameters #1=label name,#2=caption
    \@ifundefined{savedfigure#1box}{\errmessage{figure #1 hasn't been saved yet}}{%
    % calling this multiple times for the same figure will result in it having multiple numbers assigned to it and multiply defined label issues
        \usebox{\csname savedfigure#1box\endcsname}%

% use \reusefigure if the figure has already been shown, and you want to show it again
\newcommand\reusefigure[2]{% parameters #1=label name, #2=new caption
    \@ifundefined{savedfigure#1box}{\errmessage{figure #1 hasn't been saved yet}}{%
    % no easy way to test if the figure has been used or not yet, but will be numbered Figure 0 if not!
        \usebox{\csname savedfigure#1box\endcsname}%



\begin{frame}{First Frame}
            \draw (0,0) -- ++(75:1 cm) -- ++(-75:1 cm);
    Some text after a pause.

\begin{frame}{In between}
        A different figure
        \caption{For testing}

    \reusefigure{test}{Hello again}

\begin{frame}{Other Frame}
    \reusefigure{myfigure}{Description (again).}

        A second figure on the same frame.
        \caption{With a number}

    More text.

