考试课程和 align* 环境

考试课程和 align* 环境



\date{ }   


Please submit the answers by placing hard copy solutions in the assignment boxes.

\qformat{\textbf{Question~\thequestion.} \hfill} 

\question Given the following histories:

H_{1} = & \{W_{2}(x), W_{1}(x), R_{3}(x), R_{1}(x), W_{2}(y), R_{3}(y), R_{3}(z), R_{2}(x)\} \\
H_{2} = & \{R_{3}(z), R_{3}(y), W_{2}(y), R_{2}(z), W_{1}(x), R_{3}(x), W_{2}(x), R_{1}(x)\} \\
H_{3} = & \{R_{3}(z), W_{2}(x), W_{2}(y), R_{1}(x), R_{3}(x), R_{2}(z), R_{3}(y), W_{1}(x)\} \\
H_{4} = & \{R_{2}(z), W_{2}(x), W_{2}(y), W_{1}(x), R_{1}(x), R_{3}(x), R_{3}(z), R_{3}(y)\}

\part Which of the above histories are conflict equivalent and why?
\part Which of the above histories are serializable and why?


align(和)环境align*由以下定义:数学包。因此,您需要将其添加\usepackage{amsmath}到您的序言中。我会将其放在紧前面\usepackage{amssymb},这样 AMS 包就会一个接一个地加载。
