文章的单独参考书目:附录 - 大写字母的条目会出现错误(biblatex)

文章的单独参考书目:附录 - 大写字母的条目会出现错误(biblatex)



一个叫 Zun 的人回答了这个问题,说使用 biblatex 是可能的,一个可行的示例如下:

    author       = {Bevel Lemelisk and Wilhuff Tarkin and Darth Vader and Darth Sidious},
    title        = {Death Star},
    howpublished = {Alderaan and Yavin 4},
    year         = {0 BBY}
    author       = {Bevel Lemelisk and Wilhuff Tarkin and Darth Vader and Darth Sidious},
    title        = {Death Star II},
    howpublished = {Endor},
    year         = {4 ABY}
    author       = {Abc, D.},
    title        = {The Letter Fantasies},
    year         = 1492,
    keywords     = {one}
    author       = {Efg, H.},
    title        = {Alphabet Soup},
    year         = 1942,
    keywords     = {two}
%   style=authoryear, % uncomment to display author-year
  not type=article
They first built \emph{Death Star}~\autocite{death-star}.

The design flaw was found in \autocite[Lemelisk et al., Chapter 3, p. 123][]{death-star}.

To address the flaw, they designed \emph{Death Star 2}~\autocite{death-star-2}
that featured many smaller diameter heat exhaust vents.

Read the letter fantasies \cite{abc} or stories from the a-soup \cite{efg}.
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Other Sources},filter=other]

并且一切运行完美。只要入口类型是用小写字母写的。但是,我使用 JabRef,它将我的参考文献格式化为大写字母,例如 @Online、@Book 等。在上面的 Zuns 工作示例中,条目 @Book 是大写字母。尝试用 @Book 替换 @article。突然出现错误:

./untitled.tex:48: LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 48.

