

我一直尝试在 LaTeX 中为我的简历实现以下垂直侧边栏效果,但结果发现它比我想象的要困难得多(在 InDesign 中可以轻松创建):


我尝试了所有能想到的方法 — 横向的minipages、parboxes、tables、multirows 等等,但都无法复制。我已经很接近了,但从未成功让标题与表格顶部齐平(更不用说居中水平规则了)。有没有关于如何实现这一点的见解?

作为参考,这是我最近尝试使用表格实现此功能multirow(需要 XeLaTeX):

\usepackage{fontspec, multirow, rotating, tabularx, xunicode}
\def\Vhrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}

  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}
    & \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
    & English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
    & Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
    & \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Technologies} \\
    & OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
    & \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\
    \multirow{-9}{*}{\begin{sideways}\Vhrulefill~skills\end{sideways}} &





\usepackage{graphicx, tabularx, xcolor}

  \settoheight{\sectionheight}{\begin{tabularx}{\tablewidth}{l #3}\BODY\end{tabularx}}

  \begin{tabularx}{\tablewidth}{l #3}
    \BODY \\
    }}} &

    & \textbf{Binghamton University, State University of New York} \\
    & B.S. — Computer Science · Expected 2016 \\
    & \\
    & Binghamton University Scholars Program \\
    & Binghamton President's Scholars Program
    & \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
    & English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
    & Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript \\
    & \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Technologies} \\
    & OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
    & \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL}

由于某种原因,\settoheight{\sectionheight}{\begin{tabularx}{\tablewidth}{l #3}\BODY\end{tabularx}}没有返回文本的正确高度,因此结果如下所示:




这是获取结果的非常手动的尝试。由于垂直规则 + 文本跨越表格的 12 行(在我的示例中),我绘制了\rule长度为 的线12\normalbaselineskip,然后将其旋转到位:


\usepackage{graphicx, tabularx, xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,tabularx,xcolor}

  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}
    & \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
    & English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
    & Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
    & \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Technologies} \\
    & OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
      }} & 
      \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL}




\usepackage{graphicx, tabularx, xcolor, environ}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,tabularx,xcolor,environ}
\usepackage{zref-savepos}% http://ctan.org/pkg/zref
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry

% Taken from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/69076/5764
% \zsaveposx/y is defined since 2011/12/05 v2.23 of zref-savepos

  % #1 = label
  % #2 = tabularx width
  % #3 = column specification
  \stepcounter{@rsection}% Mark labels top/bottom based on rsection counter
  \noindent\begin{tabularx}{\tablewidth}{l #3}
    \zsaveposy{rsection-top-\the@rsection}% Store top y-position
    \BODY \\[-\normalbaselineskip]% Place content
    \zsaveposy{rsection-bot-\the@rsection}% Store bottom y-position
    }} &

    & \textbf{Binghamton University, State University of New York} \\
    & B.S. — Computer Science · Expected 2016 \\
    & \\
    & Binghamton University Scholars Program \\
    & Binghamton President's Scholars Program
    & \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
    & English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
    & Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript \\
    & \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
    & \\
    & \textbf{Technologies} \\
    & OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
   & \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL}

在上面的例子中,标签rsection-bot-\the@rsection和分别rsection-top-\the@rsection存储表格底部和顶部的 y 位置(以缩放点/sp秒为单位)。适当\dimexpr计算表格的高度并在第一列插入规则(如前所述)。



\usepackage{fontspec, tabularx,xunicode}


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node[rotate=90,fill=white,anchor=east,font=\color{black!70}\sffamily] at ( $ (\x2,\y1) + (-.55\textwidth,2pt) $ ) {\bordertitle};
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     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\

     \textbf{Spoken Languages} \\
     English, Hebrew (fluent in speaking, reading, and writing) \\
     \textbf{Programming Languages} \\
     Objective-C, C, Ruby, Java, Python, HTML + CSS/SASS + JavaScript/CoffeeScript \\
     \emph{Familiar with C++, Haskell, PHP} \\
     \textbf{Technologies} \\
     OS X, iOS, Xcode, Unix/Linux Systems, LaTeX, Shell Scripting, Git, Vim, Jekyll \\
     \emph{Familiar with Windows, Windows Server, MySQL} \\


