



我的第一次尝试只是将上述一堆节点包装在一个大节点中,但奇怪的是,这没有奏效 ;)。所以我看了一下

  1. 如何在节点内排版 TikZ 图片?
  2. 如何在 TikZ 中的节点内嵌套图形并在图形之间绘制边?

但我仍然有问题。请参阅相关问题,特别是下面示例代码中的 Q5-Q8。我尝试了两种方法,首选方法是下面称为 first try 的方法,但该方法不起作用(Q5)。第二种方法(使用 fit 库)接近我想要的,但仍然存在一些缺陷(Q6-Q8)。




\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]


    %% Timeline
    \draw (0,0) -- (2.2,0);%
    \draw[loosely dotted] (2.5,0) -- (3.5,0);%
    %%% Q1: In fact, it would have been great if I could just position
    %%% the second part of the graph after the continuation dots in
    %%% the next scope. See Q4
    \draw (3.8,0) -- (7.2,0);%
    \draw[loosely dotted] (7.2,0) -- (7.5,0);%
    \draw[->] (7.5,0) -- (7.7,0);%
    %%% Q2: Is it possible to use calc or something else to just say 5/N+\x-4 
    \foreach \x/\xtext in {0,...,2,4/N,5/N+1,6/N+2,7/N+3} {%
      \draw[shift={(\x,0)}] (0, +0.2) -- (90:0);%
      %%% Q3: How do I put this above the tick without manually
      %%% setting 0.3? I'm not sure the draw command allows to write
      %%% beyond the path ... 
      \node at (\x,0.3) {$\xtext$};%

    %%% Q4: In fact, I wish I could just say continue at any point,
    %%% say 3.5 and just start at 1 instead of 4 in this scope. Is
    %%% there a way to say this scope should start at 3.5 in the
    %%% current picture?
    \draw[shift={(4,0)}] (0,0) -- %
    node[very near end,right] {$Div_N$} +(90:-0.2);%
    \node[right,fill=red!15,baseline] (continuation) at (4,-0.5) {$+

    % ### First try
    %%% It's really what I want to do but I can't succeed in
    %%% positioning precisely the nested tikzpicture environment.
    %%% Q5: What's going wrong here?
    % % Maturity phase
    % \node[right,fill=red!15] (maturity) at (5,0) {
    %   \begin{tikzpicture}
    %     \draw[shift={(5,0)}] (0,0) -- %
    %     node[very near end,right] (5) {$Div_{N+1}$} +(90:-0.2);%
    %     \foreach \x/\xtext in {6/(1+g),7/(1+g)^2} {%
    %       \draw[shift={(\x,0)}] (0,0) -- %
    %       node[very near end,right] {$Div_{N+1}$} +(90:-0.2);%
    %       \node[right] (\x) at (\x,-0.5) {$\times \xtext$};%
    %     }
    %   \end{tikzpicture}
    %   };
    % ### Alternative solution with the fit library.
    %%% It's very close to the end result but 3 problems here:
    %%% Q6: Even playing with the opacity, I can't get the same thing
    %%% as with the (continuation) node: I can't see the text as well.
    %%% Q7: Adding the inner sep option (see why in Q8) gives
    %%% underfull \hbox warning???
    %%% Q8: But much worse is the fact that if I get rid of the
    %%% ellipse and the inner sep options, the rectangular draw
    %%% doesn't include the first $Div_{N+1}$ perfectly
    % Maturity phase
    \draw[shift={(5,0)}] (0,0) -- %
    node[very near end,right] (5) {$Div_{N+1}$} +(90:-0.2);%
    \foreach \x/\xtext in {6/(1+g),7/(1+g)^2} {%
      \draw[shift={(\x,0)}] (0,0) -- %
      node[very near end,right] {$Div_{N+1}$} +(90:-0.2);%
      \node[right] (\x) at (\x,-0.5) {$\times \xtext$};%
    sep=3.5pt] (maturity) {};%

  %%% Link both parts
  \begin{scope}[overlay,>=stealth,very thick,red!15]
    \path[->] (maturity) edge [bend left] (continuation);






  • 不要scalefit图书馆一起使用!
  • ellipse适合其内容的边界框,因此它总是显得太高。
  • 你可以使用这个backgrounds库来放一些东西以下现有内容。





    % all points
  \foreach \x in {0,...,7}{
    \coordinate (pt \x) at (\x,0);

  % add ticks and labels
  \foreach \x\xtext in {0/0,1/1,2/2,4/N,5/N+1,6/N+2,7/N+3}{
    \path (pt \x) node[above=3mm] (tick) {$\xtext$};%
    \draw (pt \x) -- (tick);

  % draw axe
  \foreach \x in {0,1,4,5,6}{
    \draw (pt \x) -- (pt \xnext);
  % first dotted hole
  \draw (pt 2) -- +(.2,0);
  \draw[loosely dotted] (pt 2) ++(.5,0) -- ++(1,0);
  \draw (pt 2) ++(1.8,0) -- (pt 4);
  % second dotted hole
  \draw (pt 7) -- ++(.2,0);
  \draw[loosely dotted] (pt 7) ++(.2,0) -- ++(.3,0);
  \draw[-stealth] (pt 7) ++(.5,0) -- ++(.2,0);

  % add formulas
  \foreach \x/\form/\subform in {%
    \path (pt \x)
    node[below=3mm,anchor=north,inner sep=0] (form \x) {\form};
    \node[below=1pt of form \x.south west,anchor=north west,inner sep=0]
    (subform \x){\subform};
    \draw (pt \x) -- (form \x);

  % red ellipse and rectangle
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
    \node[rounded corners,fit=(form 5.north west)(subform 7),inner sep=2pt,
    fill=red!15] (rr) {};
    \node[rounded corners,fit=(subform 4),inner sep=2pt,
    fill=red!15] (r4) {};
    \draw[-stealth,red!15,very thick] (rr) to[bend left=30] (r4);
