我获得了以下表格模板代码(已进行修改以考虑到下面 David 的评论):
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, final]{article}
% This command computes and creates a vertical space
% depending on the number of rows to compensate for.
% It makes use of the counter verticalcompensationrows
% and the length \verticalcompensationlength which equals
% \aboverulesep plus \belowrulesep
% This command reimplements \multirow to compensate
% for the vertical offset, but looses some functionality
% of the \multirow command (not discussed here).
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Table title or something else ...} \\
\multirowbt{4}{*}{My name} & A bit of text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
\multirowbt{3}{*}{Your name} & Some text \\
& More text More text More text \\
& More text More text More text \\
但是,当我有一些覆盖多行的文本时,第 1 列的垂直对齐不再正常,如表 2 所示。
在下面的回答中,David 使用 \raisebox 给出了此问题的解决方案。这可行,但它要求我更改每个表格的每一列的框必须移动的量。
我想知道是否有人知道如何让 Latex 自动将内容居中。
如果您将内容框在第 2 列中,m
-column 规范将使其锚点垂直居中,从而提供您想要的对齐方式。我将其框起来的方法是将其放在tabular
\usepackage{booktabs,array}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{booktabs,array}
\setbox0=\hbox{Your name}% Store the widest left-column entry
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Table title or something else ...} \\
My name & \begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr\linewidth-\tabcolsep}@{}}
A bit of text \\
A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text
\end{tabular} \\
Your name & \begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr\linewidth-\tabcolsep}@{}}
Some text \\
More text More text More text \\
More text More text More text
\end{tabular} \\
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, final]{article}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Table title or something else ...} \\
\smash{\raisebox{-50pt}{My name}} & A bit of text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
\smash{\raisebox{-20pt}{Your name}} & Some text \\
& More text More text More text \\
& More text More text More text \\
当然还有始终存在的基于 tikz 的过度解决方案:
\def\tikzmark#1{\tikz[overlay, remember picture]\node[coordinate] (#1) {};}
\def\textbetween#1#2#3{ % #1 #2 row ids, #3 content
\tikz[overlay, remember picture]\path ([yshift=1ex] #1)--(#2) node[midway,right] {#3};%
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Table title or something else ...} \\
\tikzmark{1} & A bit of text \\
& This is what happens when I write too much text in one line: it creates
an extra line and the item in the first column is no longer aligned! \\
& A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
\tikzmark{2} & A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text A bit more text \\
\textbetween{1}{2}{My Name}%
\tikzmark{1} & Some text \\
& More text More text More text \\
\tikzmark{2} & More text More text More text \\
\textbetween{1}{2}{Your Name}%
请注意,您还必须为第一列指定固定宽度。在这种情况下,我使用了 2cm。还请记住编译两次。