

我正在编写一个 Latex 文档,其中的伪代码中穿插着定理和讨论。伪代码中的一些注释很长。我想自动以井号、星号或百分号开始(和结束)注释的每个输出行,就像人们在编写 C++ 或 Matlab 时经常做的那样。我知道的唯一方法是使用 \obeylines 并将所需的字符放入 latex 源中。然而,这会导致行过短或过长。






示例文本(由 OP 提供)

\def\a{Not expected X\dotfill X }
This tex file shows what can currently be achieved with the {\tt alg}

\algif{$e==0$  \algcomment{/* }{ * }{\aeight Exploration of this word is complete and
all rules are satisfied.}{ */}}
    \algreturn ;\\
    \algcomment{/* }{ * }{No new information is available for the
    checking of \aeight.
    However, we do need to check rule if $e$ is odd}{ */}\\
    \algcomment{/* }{ * }{Only {\tt TreeLocation} was changed}{ */}\\
    \algreturn{\tt ans};\\


% parameters of algcomment
% #1 "/* "        start syntax
% #2 " * "        continuation syntax
% #3 the comment text
% #4 " */"        end syntax
% First use a fake display math to measure the line so far
% Back up so that the comment will appear to start on the
% already started line.
% command to output the line number and the continuation marker
% start collecting the comment
% Reduce the width for line brreaking by the width of #2 to allow for
% the insertion of the prefix string later.
% close off the saving of box 2 started above.
% So at those point box 2 contains the body of the environment
% with lines broken to a short line length.
% count how many lines we're going to add
% need to do this first as we re-add them in reverse order so
% will be decrementing the line count
% Clear box 1 ready to start collecting the modified lines
% Use unbox box2 (onto itself)
% at this point we are at the end of box 2 now
% loop backwards up the vertical list copying glue and penalties
% but modifying boxesto add the prefix.
% an e-tex primitive that reports the last item in the vertical list.
% type 1 is a box, so remove the box (a lien of text) and then
% put into box 1 a box that is this box together with the prefix which
% was saved in box 0
% type 11 is glue so remove it from this list and add
% equivalent glue to box 1
% same for penalty
\global\setbox1\vbox{\penalty\count0 \unvbox1}%
% other node types are not handled here: either they won't happen
% or they can't be removed anyway so would break the loop \special
% for example would be bad.
% -1 means the vertical list is empty: we have reached the top of the box.
% Tip the modified box back onto the main list for the page, unbox
% it so that page breaking may still happen (if it could happen in the
% original context).





% generate junk filler text for the example
\def\a{Red green blue yellow. }
\def\b{\a\a One two three four. \a\a}

% The code for the start of  environment
% save the depth of the previous line (Normally
% TeX uses this automatically but would lose the
% informatiom due to the boxing/reboxing)
% Save the prefix text from `#1` in box 0.
% In this version make it red, probably real code
% should not do that and should just have `#1` you
% could always add colour or font changes in the argument.
% start saving the paragraph in box 2
% by resetting the prevdepth to the saved value
% Tex will automatically insert glue to maintain even spacing
% before the first line.
% Reduce the width for line breaking by the width of box 0 to allow for
% the insertion of the prefix string later.
% end of begin environment code

% The code for the end of the environment.
% close off the saving of box 2 started above.
% So at those point box 2 contains the body of the environment
% with lines broken to a short line length.
% Clear box 1 ready to start collecting the modified lines
% Use unbox box2 (onto itself)
% at this point we are at the end of box 2 now
% loop backwards up the vertical list copying glue and penalties
% but modifying boxes to add the prefix.
% an e-tex primitive that reports the last item in the vertical list.
% type 1 is a box, so remove the box (a line of text) and then
% put into box 1 a box that is this box together with the prefix which
% was saved in box 0
% type 11 is glue so remove it from this list and add
% equivalent glue to box 1
% same for penalty
\global\setbox1\vbox{\penalty\count0 \unvbox1}%
% other node types are not handled here: either they won't happen
% or they can't be removed anyway so would break the loop \special
% for example would be bad.
% -1 means the vertical list is empty: we have reached the top of the box.
% Tip the modified box back onto the main list for the page, unbox
% it so that page breaking may still happen (if it could happen in the
% original context).


\noindent X \dotfill X

\begin{commentpara}{\# this prefix: }

\noindent X \dotfill X


因此,这里的行if e==0已经设置好了,因此想法是在第一行上用空白设置注释段落,然后将整个框向上移动,-2\baselineskip使其“插入”到位。

与第一个版本稍有不同,第一行上留下的“间隙”减少了, \predisplaysize\wd0是连续标记的宽度,因为该标记没有放在第一行,这导致注释的第一个留置权过短。
