



假设 f : M_1 -> M_2 是度量空间之间的映射。则 f 是连续的当且仅当对于每个在 M_2 中开的集合 U,f^-1(U) 在 M_1 中开。


假设 f 是连续的,且 U 是 M_2 的开子集。我们需要证明 f^-1(U) 在 M_1 中是开子集。设 x \in f^-1(U)。则 f(x) \in U,且由于 U 在 M_2 中是开子集,存在 ε>0 使得 B_ε(f(x)) \subset U。根据定义 2.3.6,存在 δ>0 使得 f(B_δ(x)) \subset B_ε(f(x))。因此 f(B_δ(x)) \subset U,所以 B_δ(x) \subset f^-1(U),并且我们已经证明 f^-1(U) 在 M_1 中是开子集。



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Definition 2.1.2.
A _metric space_ M = (A, d) consists of a non-empty set A together with a map d : A\times A -> \bfR such that:
    (M1a) d(x, y)\geq 0 for all x, y in A.
    (M1b) d(x, y) = 0 <=>  x = y  for all x, y in A.
    (M2) d(x, y) = d(y, x) for all x, y in A.
    (M3) d(x, y)+d(y, z)\geq d(x, z) for all x, y, z in A.
The elements of A are called the _points_ of the metric space M, and d is called a _metric_ on A. We sometimes also call d the _metric_ of M.



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    Proposition 2.3.13.

    Suppose that f : M_1 -> M_2 is a map between metric spaces. Then f is continuous iff for every set U open in M_2, f^-1(U) is open in M_1.


    Suppose that f is continuous, and let U be an open subset of M_2. We are required to prove that f^-1(U) is open in M_1. Let x \in f^-1(U). Then f(x) \in U, and since U is open in M_2 there exists ε>0 such that B_ε(f(x)) \subset U. By Definition 2.3.6, there exists δ>0 such that f(B_δ(x)) \subset B_ε(f(x)). Hence f(B_δ(x)) \subset U, so B_δ(x) \subset f^-1(U), and we have shown that f^-1(U) is open in M_1.

