我刚刚开始使用 Tikz,发现它很棒 - 但也有点不知所措。所以这是一个绝对初学者的问题:
% Draw inside tables:
% Some options common to all the nodes and paths
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture,baseline]
\tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt]
\tikzstyle{every path}+=[thick, rounded corners]
它的目的是在 LaTeX 表中的表格或列周围绘制圆圈,如下所示(有一个定义的计数器,因此我可以使用数字来引用选项卡节点):
\begin{tabular}{ ...
\tabnode{$null?(s)$} & \tabnode{true} & \tabnode{false} ...
% Define the circle paths
\draw [black](3.north west) -- (5.north east) --
(5.south east) -- (3.south west) -- cycle;
一切都很顺利,直到我开始向文档中添加其他独立的 Tikz 图形。当然,“所有节点和路径通用的选项”会引发问题,因为它们不应该也适用于新的独立图形。
\documentclass[german, a4paper, table]{scrbook}
%% (1) Draw inside tables :
%% Some options common to all the nodes and paths
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture,baseline]
\tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt]
\tikzstyle{every path}+=[thick, rounded corners]
%% (2) Draw inside tables :
% \tikzset{mytablestyle/.style={% Now everything inside these braces are local to mytablestyle
% every picture/.style={remember picture,baseline},
% every node/.append style={
% inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
% minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,
% text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt},
% every path/.append style={thick, rounded corners}
% }
% }
% tikz definitions for other, independent pictures
\tikzstyle{abstract}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners,
fill=blue!40, drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white,
text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{comment}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners,
fill=green, drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white, text
\tikzstyle{myarrow}=[->, >=open triangle 90, shorten >=3mm, thick]
\tikzstyle{line}=[-, thick]
%%% table with overlay
% Introduce a new counter for counting the nodes needed for circling
% Command for making a new node and naming it according to the nodecount counter
\newcommand\tabnode[1]{\addtocounter{nodecount}{1} \tikz \node (\arabic{nodecount}) {#1};}
% table
\begin{tabular}{ l@{\hspace{8mm}} !{\vrule width 1.5pt}
@{\hspace{10mm}} c@{\hspace{10mm}} c@{\hspace{10mm}}}
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large{constructor of s}} \\
\large{observations} & \tabnode{$nil$} & \tabnode{$adjoin(s', n)$}\\
\noalign{\hrule height 1.5pt}
\tabnode{$null?(s)$} & \tabnode{true} & \tabnode{false} \\
\tabnode{$head(s)$} & \tabnode{\textbf{error}} & \tabnode{n\vphantom{h}}\\
\tabnode{$tail(s)$} & \tabnode{\textbf{error}} & \tabnode{s'} \\
% Define the circle paths
\draw [black](3.north west) -- (5.north east) --
(5.south east) -- (3.south west) -- cycle;
\draw [black](6.north west) -- (8.north east) --
(8.south east) -- (6.south west) -- cycle;
\draw [black](9.north west) -- (11.north east) --
(11.south east) -- (9.south west) -- cycle;
% independent tikz graphic
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (Fahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2]
\node (Landfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split
parts=2, below left=of Fahrzeug]
\nodepart{second}override \\ fortbewegen()
\node (Wasserfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split
parts=2, below right=of Fahrzeug]
\nodepart{second}override \\ fortbewegen()
\node (Amphibienfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle
split parts=2, below right=of Landfahrzeug]
\draw[myarrow] (Landfahrzeug.north) -- (Fahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Wasserfahrzeug.north) -- (Fahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Amphibienfahrzeug.north) -- (Landfahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Amphibienfahrzeug.north) -- (Wasserfahrzeug.south);
\documentclass[german, a4paper, table]{scrbook}
%% (1) Draw inside tables :
%% Some options common to all the nodes and paths
% \tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture,baseline]
% \tikzstyle{every node}+=[inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
% minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt]
% \tikzstyle{every path}+=[thick, rounded corners]
% (2) Draw inside tables :
\tikzset{mytablestyle/.style={% Now everything inside these braces are local to mytablestyle
every picture/.style={remember picture,baseline},
every node/.append style={
inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,
text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt},
every path/.append style={thick, rounded corners}
% tikz definitions for other, independent pictures
\tikzstyle{abstract}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners,
fill=blue!40, drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white,
text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{comment}=[rectangle, draw=black, rounded corners,
fill=green, drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white, text
\tikzstyle{myarrow}=[->, >=open triangle 90, shorten >=3mm, thick]
\tikzstyle{line}=[-, thick]
%%% table with overlay
% Introduce a new counter for counting the nodes needed for circling
% Command for making a new node and naming it according to the nodecount counter
\newcommand\tabnode[1]{\addtocounter{nodecount}{1} \tikz \node (\arabic{nodecount}) {#1};}
% table
\begin{tabular}{ l@{\hspace{8mm}} !{\vrule width 1.5pt}
@{\hspace{10mm}} c@{\hspace{10mm}} c@{\hspace{10mm}}}
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large{constructor of s}} \\
\large{observations} & \tabnode{$nil$} & \tabnode{$adjoin(s', n)$}\\
\noalign{\hrule height 1.5pt}
\tabnode{$null?(s)$} & \tabnode{true} & \tabnode{false} \\
\tabnode{$head(s)$} & \tabnode{\textbf{error}} & \tabnode{n\vphantom{h}}\\
\tabnode{$tail(s)$} & \tabnode{\textbf{error}} & \tabnode{s'} \\
% Define the circle paths
\draw [black](3.north west) -- (5.north east) --
(5.south east) -- (3.south west) -- cycle;
\draw [black](6.north west) -- (8.north east) --
(8.south east) -- (6.south west) -- cycle;
\draw [black](9.north west) -- (11.north east) --
(11.south east) -- (9.south west) -- cycle;
% independent tikz graphic
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (Fahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2]
\node (Landfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split
parts=2, below left=of Fahrzeug]
\nodepart{second}override \\ fortbewegen()
\node (Wasserfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle split
parts=2, below right=of Fahrzeug]
\nodepart{second}override \\ fortbewegen()
\node (Amphibienfahrzeug) [abstract, rectangle split, rectangle
split parts=2, below right=of Landfahrzeug]
\draw[myarrow] (Landfahrzeug.north) -- (Fahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Wasserfahrzeug.north) -- (Fahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Amphibienfahrzeug.north) -- (Landfahrzeug.south);
\draw[myarrow] (Amphibienfahrzeug.north) -- (Wasserfahrzeug.south);
。因此这些设置将应用于每个 TikZ 图片。您可以做的是为那些表格和相关部分创建自定义样式,这些样式到目前为止一直有效。
\tikzset{mytablestyle/.style={% Now everything inside these braces are local to mytablestyle
every picture/.style={remember picture,baseline},
every node/.append style={
inner sep=0pt,anchor=base,
minimum width=1.8cm,align=center,
text depth=.25ex,outer sep=1.5pt
every path/.append style={thick, rounded corners}
,请参阅应该使用 \tikzset 还是 \tikzstyle 来定义 TikZ 样式?