我正在尝试为纸笔 RPG(游戏主屏幕)创建一份简短而方便的规则摘要。因此我必须处理大量小段落和表格。我的目标是在几张纸上获得大量信息 - 尽可能清晰地排列。
),以便在每张纸上获得尽可能多的表格(但也有更宽的表格)。这是类似 word 文档的屏幕截图
哪种表环境最适合我的需求,或者是否有一种“聪明”的方法可以通过创建自己的环境来处理这些表?抱歉,我没有具体说明,但也许其他人尝试使用 latex 创建这样的“备忘单”。
总结: 我需要大量的表格和\paragraph
这里你有一个清理过的 TeX 文件,可以了解我的文档是什么样子的:
\usepackage{booktabs, longtable, multicol}
\title{Game Master Screen }
\paragraph{important rule} short explanation, just one to three sentences.
\paragraph{useful rule} short explanation, just one to three sentences.
\paragraph{not useful rule} short explanation, just one to three sentences. Short explanation, just one to three sentences.
\subsection{Special Maneuvers}
\paragraph{disarming} short explanation, just one to three sentences.
\paragraph{another one} is eplained in tab.\,\ref{tab:extab}.
\paragraph{yet another one} is eplained somewhere else in very short sentences.
\caption{Example Table\label{tab:extab}}
Talent & AU & WV & Anmerkungen \\
Raufen & 1W & 2/0 &
keine besonderen Kampfmanöver;
gute AT: echte SP oder W6\,KR kampfunfähig \\
Boxen & 1W & 2/0 &
KK-14; bei 6 +1W, wieder 6: für 1W20\,KR
Ringen & 1W & 2/0 &
AT gelungen: Wurf, 1W6 SP, 1\,KR kampfunfähig
Würgegriff (kein Schaden), dann AT-2 und PA+2
(gelungen: 1W SP), anschließend +/-3 usw.;
Kein RS! \\
Hruruzat & 2W & 3/1 &
KK-15; bei Pasch +2W SP \\
gegen Bewaffnete & \ldots & \ldots &
nur Ausweichen, AT erst möglich, wenn Gegners AT
misslingt; wenn Gegner Pariert, dann SP durch dessen
Waffe \\
More text and tables go here.
%% make the margins small, but this will leave very little room
%% for printing a title.
%% You want to economize on space. Let's not waste it on indenting
%% paragraphs particularly since, visually, you don't really have any.
%% your fonts and other packages
%% setting up to use alternate shading of rows of your tables
%% Allows your tables to fit to the width of the line they're contained in
%% use column type "X" to indicate the column that will expand to help fit
%% to line. "X" is automatically converted to column type "p" once the
%% best fit has been found.
%% packages for this demonstration purpose only
\multicolumn{6}{|>{\columncolor{tableheadcolor}}c|}{ Title for this table}\\
Some texts & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, RP, ST, NA & $10+$ \\
Longer Content & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, & $10+$ \\
Some texts & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, & $10+$ \\
Some texts & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, & $10+$ \\
Some texts & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, & $10+$ \\
Some texts & 3 & 4 & 599 & NA, MP, OK, & $10+$ \\\hline
\multicolumn{2}{|>{\columncolor{tableheadcolor}}c|}{ Title for second table}\\
some category & much longer content that may need to be wrapped around and continue on a second line. \\
another category & but we can have short lines too \\
a third category & random content that doesn't have to fill the line or wrap \\
a fourth category & random content that doesn't have to fill the line or wrap \\
a fifth category & random content that doesn't have to fill the line or wrap \\\hline
initial content & col 1 & col 2 & col 3 \\\hline
initial content & col 1 & col 2 & col 3 \\\hline
initial content & col 1 & col 2 & col 3 \\\hline
initial content & col 1 & col 2 & col 3 \\\hline
initial content & col 1 & col 2 & col 3 \\\hline
\textbf{Here is some text set next to a table} Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat
ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu
libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula
augue eu neque. Pel- lentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus
\multicolumn{1}{|>{\columncolor{tableheadcolor}}c|}{Title for third table}
{\let\par\relax\lipsum[1]} \\
{\let\par\relax\lipsum[2]} \\\hline
Create a table with shaded in cells. There is probably a much better way to make this table
than what I've done. In particular, the \verb=\cNam= command is only just a hack to make the columns look nicer.
\newcommand{\cNam}[1]{\hspace*{0.65em}#1\hspace*{0.65em}}%% column name
\multicolumn{10}{|>{\columncolor{tableheadcolor}}c|}{ Title for fourth table}\\\hline
Col Titles & \cNam{A} & \cNam{B} & C\cNam{C} & \cNam{D} & \cNam{E} & \cNam{F} & \cNam{G} & \cNam{H} & \cNam{I} \\\hline
id for this row & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & 54 & 340 & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 340 & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 23 & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 43 & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 54 & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 340 & 23 \\\hline
id for this row & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & \mtcc & 23 \\\hline