使用 Linguex 进行失控争论

使用 Linguex 进行失控争论


Runaway argument?
\newgll  [CP Ceapann tú [CP go bhuailfidh an píobaire an t-amhrán \ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \ai.
<inserted text> 



\ex. \aig. [CP Ceapann tú [CP go bhuailfidh an píobaire an t-amhrán ]] \\
          think you that play.FUT the piper the song\\
          `You think that the piper will play the song.'\\
 \big. An t-ór seo$_i$ [CP a$_N$ chreid corr-dhuine [CP go raibh sé$_i$ ann ] ].\\
       the gold DEM that.RSMP thought some-people that was it there\\
       `This gold that some people thought was there'\\



每个 后面都需要一个空行\ex.。下面的方法可以正常工作(除了 未满的情况\hbox):


\ex. \aig. [CP Ceapann tú [CP go bhuailfidh an píobaire an t-amhrán ]] \\
          think you that play.FUT the piper the song\\
          `You think that the piper will play the song.'\\


第 1 页linguex文档

创建的列表环境\ex.必须以单个空行 (a \par) 结尾。此列表后面的文本将不缩进。为了获得 \parindent,a第二必须在第一行之后立即添加一个空白行。
