

我得到了一个很好的答案以前的有关通过位于 Machine 上的 Socks 代理从 MachineA到 Machine连接的问题。CB

假设机器 B Ip 是218.62.97.105,它正在侦听端口 1080


ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - socks:,socksport=1080'


考虑场景: 机器 A->机器 B(Socks 代理 1)->机器 C(Socks 代理 2)->机器 D(目标)

机器B IP:端口1080

机器 C IP:端口3128

机器 D IP:端口8080

我希望有人对 socat 或任何其他工具有经验,因为目前对我来说这似乎相当复杂。


socat 1命令的调试:

2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D read -> 8
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D received socks4 reply data (offset 0): 00 5c 00 50 c1 6b 90 17
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D received all 8 bytes
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I received socks reply VN=0 CD=92 DSTPORT=80 DSTIP=
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] E socks: ident refused by client
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] N exit(1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I shutdown(4, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D shutdown()  -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] I shutdown(3, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15641] D shutdown()  -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied(signum=17)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(-1, 0xbfbea3fc, 1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(, {256}, ) -> 15641
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied(17): cannot identify child 15641
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D saving pid in diedunknown1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] W waitpid(): child 15641 exited with status 1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(-1, 0xbfbea3fc, 1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] D waitpid(, {256}, ) -> -1
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I waitpid(-1, {}, WNOHANG): No child processes
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15638] I childdied() finished

socat 第二个命令:

2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D socket(2, 1, 6)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I socket(2, 1, 6) -> 3
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D fcntl(3, 2, 1)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D fcntl() -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D connect(3, {2,AF=2}, 16)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D connect() -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D getsockname(3, 0xbf8111cc, 0xbf811058{112})
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D getsockname(, {AF=2}, {16}) -> 0
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] N successfully connected from local address AF=2
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I sending socks4 request VN=4 DC=1 DSTPORT=21 USERID=mnmnc
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D malloc(42)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D malloc() -> 0x8f1ec80
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D sending socks4(a) request data 04 01 00 15 3e f4 9f 9a 6d 6e 6d 6e 63 00
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D write(3, 0xbf811304, 14)
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D write -> 14
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] I waiting for socks reply
2012/10/02 20:44:38 socat[15640] D read(3, 0xbf811234, 8)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] D read -> 0
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] E read(): EOF during read of socks reply, peer might not be a socks4 server
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] N exit(1)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] I shutdown(3, 2)
2012/10/02 20:45:00 socat[15640] D shutdown()  -> 0
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host



socat tcp-listen:12345,reuseaddr,fork,bind=127.1 socks:,socksport=1080


然后您可以使用它连接到 D:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='socat - socks:127.1:%h:%p,socksport=12345' -p 8080



我用tsocks以此目的。它是一个包装器,可以捕获所有连接并根据 tsocks.conf 文件转发它们。例如:

server =
server_type = 5
server_port = 1338

由于您已经在本地主机端口 1338 上设置了 ssh 代理。使用此方法,您可以嵌套连接,因为在 tsocks 包装器中运行的下一个 ssh 会话的行为就像在 ssh 连接的另一端一样。

不一定比使用 socat 更好,但我发现它更容易控制。
