如何以经典风格将个人信息放在 moderncv 标题左侧

如何以经典风格将个人信息放在 moderncv 标题左侧



感谢您的帮助,不想回到 Word,在 LaTeX 中做这件事非常有趣。

@Gonzalo Medina:好的,这就是我想要的:)你是最棒的,谢谢你,现在如果我想减少姓名和信息之间的间距,我该怎么做?:


@Gonzalo Medina:好的,这是我的 .tex 文件的开头:

\usepackage[applemac] {inputenc}
\usepackage[french] {babel} 

\address{ADRESS}{ZIP CODE CITY}    
\extrainfo{birthdate\\ Nationality- driving license}



编辑 18/12 : @Gonzalo Medina:嗨,谢谢你的回答,现在好多了,虽然还有一点空间,但已经变小了。标题只是个问题,在我的文件中,如果我在 \title{} 中输入标题,就会出现错误(见下面的错误图片),但如果我让它为空,它就可以正常工作……不明白为什么,也许是字体问题,就像错误所说的那样。


我认为这是 .sty 文件中的这一行,它给出了这个错误:“\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}1{{\titlefont\text{color2}{#1}}}"




  % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
  % optional detailed information box
      \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet %
        \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}} % if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity will always be defined but could be empty
      \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@mobile}}{}{\makenewline\mobilesymbol\@mobile} %
  % optional photo (pre-rendering)
     % \hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}%
  % name and title
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt)
 % \begin{minipage}[b]{\makecvtitlenamewidth}%
    \raggedright\namestyle{\@firstname\ \@familyname}\par\medskip%
  % detailed information
%  \llap{
%}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvtitlenamewidth is forced
  % optional photo (rendering)
  % optional quote
  \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvtitle

\address{street and number}{postcode city}
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{additional information}
\quote{some optional quote}






\usepackage[applemac] {inputenc}
\usepackage[french] {babel} 

  % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
  % optional detailed information box
      \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet %
        \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}} % if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity will always be defined but could be empty
      \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@mobile}}{}{\makenewline\mobilesymbol\@mobile} %
  % optional photo (pre-rendering)
     % \hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}%
  % name and title
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt)
 % \begin{minipage}[b]{\makecvtitlenamewidth}%
    \raggedright\namestyle{\@firstname\ \@familyname}\par\medskip%
  % detailed information
%  \llap{
%}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvtitlenamewidth is forced
  % optional photo (rendering)
  % optional quote
  \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvtitle

\address{ADRESS}{ZIP CODE CITY}    
\extrainfo{birthdate\\ Nationality- driving license}


我更改了我的其中一张图片文件所用图片的名称(由 Duane Bibby 绘制的 CTAN 狮子图)。
