如何让文本在 ConTeXt 中围绕不规则形状的图形流动?

如何让文本在 ConTeXt 中围绕不规则形状的图形流动?


|                  |
|    *  *          |
|   ******         |
|   ******     *   |
|    ****     *    |
|     *********    |
|      ********    |
|      * *  * *    | 
|     *  *  * *    |


|           This is the story |
|    *  *     of a cat named  |
|   ******        Cat who li- |
|   ******     *  ked to eat  |
|    ****     *  mice. One d- |
|     *********  ay while wa- |
|      ********  lking throu- |
|      * *  * *  gh the fore- |
|     *  *  * *  st, Cat fou- |
|                nd a family  |
| of mice who lived in a hol- |
| llow tree.                  |



你所需要的是build_parshape宏和shapetext 环境。build_parshape以 MetaPost 路径作为参数并将文本与路径对齐。shapetext,嗯……名称已经揭示了它在做什么。这在 MetaPost 手册第 10 章中有详细说明在 MetaPost 中排版

我不知道有什么简单的方法可以将任意图形的形状提取到 MetaPost 路径中。在此示例中,我手动完成了此操作。拍摄一张图片,覆盖一个网格并记下有趣点的坐标。这些就是f, b, d示例中的点。

%% provides the shapetext environment
\useMPlibrary [txt]

%% locate sample images in texmf tree
\setupexternalfigures [location=default]

  path fin;

  h := 12cm; % height
  w := 14cm; % width
  pair f; f := (8cm, h-3cm);  % feet corner
  pair b; b := (6cm, h-6cm);  % belly corner
  pair d; d := (2cm, 1cm);    % head corner

  pair p[];
  p0  := origin;
  p1  := (w, 0);
  p2  := (w, h);
  p3  := (xpart f, h);
  p4  := f;
  p5  := (xpart b, ypart f);
  p6  := b;
  p7  := (xpart f, ypart b);
  p8  := (xpart f, (ypart b)-2cm);
  p9  := d;
  p10 := (0, ypart d);

  fin := p0--p1--p2--p3--p4--p5--p6--p7--p8--p9--p10--cycle;

  build_parshape(fin,0,0,0,\baselinedistance, \strutheight,\strutdepth,\strutheight) ;

\defineoverlay [parshape] [\useMPgraphic{parshape}]
\definelayer   [image]
\setlayer      [image]    {\externalfigure[cow][height=8cm, orientation=90]}

  \startshapetext [parshape]
    \input zapf
    \input zapf

  \framed [background=image,frame=off] {\getshapetext}





第二部分是:即使你决定忽略我的建议,你也面临两个挑战。第一个是告诉 TeX 你图形中的空白。这很可能是你必须通过反复试验手动完成的事情。第二个挑战是告诉 TeX 如何对齐相关段落。这是我可能能够帮助你的地方。

我知道 TeX 原语\parshape。它允许您以高度自由的方式塑造下一段落的所有后续行。这是一个例子(我前段时间创建它,因为我觉得它很有趣)。这是统计学家 Youden 的一句话:




\parshape 15 %  means: # pairs of (LEFT MARGIN, LENGTH) follow
0.440\unit      0.119\unit
0.413\unit      0.172\unit
0.392\unit      0.214\unit
0.373\unit      0.252\unit
0.355\unit      0.288\unit
0.338\unit      0.323\unit
0.321\unit      0.357\unit
0.303\unit      0.392\unit
0.285\unit      0.428\unit
0.266\unit      0.466\unit
0.245\unit      0.508\unit
0.222\unit      0.555\unit
0.195\unit      0.609\unit
0.160\unit      0.679\unit
0.107\unit      0.784\unit
%0.05\unit      0.95\unit% these numbers fill the LAST line.
%\noindent\hbox to0.119\unit{\hfil The\hfil} 
Normal Law of Error Stands out in the Experience of mankind as  one  of  the  broadest Generalizations  of  natural Philosophy and it serves as the Guiding instrument in researches in the Physical and social sciences and in medicine agriculture and engineering and it is an indispensable tool for the analysis and the interpretation of the basic data obtained by observation and experiment.



诀窍是写出以下对的数量\parshape <N>。每对定义一条线来形成形状。我使用一个简单的工具计算了这些线。<N><left margin> <length>

