在 Beamer 中选择按钮后隐藏按钮

在 Beamer 中选择按钮后隐藏按钮

我正在尝试创建一个自定义的 LaTeX Beamer Jeopardy 板。到目前为止,我遇到了两个主要问题/问题:

在@cyberSingularity 的帮助下,我能够使用 ocgx 包隐藏主游戏板上的问题按钮(请参阅下面更新的代码)。




\newcommand{\home}{\hyperlink{gameboard}{\beamergotobutton{Game Board}}}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %Removes default navigation symbols

\section{Game Board}
\frametitle{\Large Mental Math Competition -- Spring 2013}
Geometry & Wuzzles & Probability & Math Ed. & Algebra\\[2ex]

\begin{frame}[label=Geometry100]{Geometry 100}
...Question(s) or Image(s) Here...
\begin{frame}[label=Geometry200]{Geometry 200}
\begin{frame}[label=Geometry300]{Geometry 300}
\begin{frame}[label=Geometry400]{Geometry 400}
\begin{frame}[label=Geometry500]{Geometry 500}

\begin{frame}[label=Wuzzles100]{Wuzzles 100}
\begin{frame}[label=Wuzzles200]{Wuzzles 200}
\begin{frame}[label=Wuzzles300]{Wuzzles 300}
\begin{frame}[label=Wuzzles400]{Wuzzles 400}
\begin{frame}[label=Wuzzles500]{Wuzzles 500}

\begin{frame}[label=Probability100]{Probability 100}
What is the sample space produced when two coins are flipped?
 \begin{frame}[label=Probability200]{Probability 200}
In the United States, 43\% of people wear a seat belt while driving. If two people are chosen at random, what is the probability that both of them wear a seat belt? 
\begin{frame}[label=Probability300]{Probability 300}
In a national lottery, five numbers from 1 to 50 and one bonus number from 1 to 40 are chosen randomly. Any tickets matching four of the five numbers and the bonus number win \$250,000. What is the probability that any given player will win the \$250,000 prize?
\begin{frame}[label=Probability400]{Probability 400}
In a shipment of 150 televisions, 9 are defective. If someone buys two televisions from that shipment, what is the probability that both are defective?
\begin{frame}[label=Probability500]{Probability 500}
A small combination lock on a suitcase has three wheels, each labeled with the ten digits from 0 to 9. If an opening combination is a particular sequence of three digits with no repeats, what is the probability of a person guessing the right combination? (Give the solution as a fraction.)

\subsection{Math Ed.}
\begin{frame}[label=MathEd100]{Math Ed. 100}
\begin{frame}[label=MathEd200]{Math Ed. 200}
\begin{frame}[label=MathEd300]{Math Ed. 300}
\begin{frame}[label=MathEd400]{Math Ed. 400}
\begin{frame}[label=MathEd500]{Math Ed. 500}

\begin{frame}[label=Algebra100]{Algebra 100}
\begin{frame}[label=Algebra200]{Algebra 200}
\begin{frame}[label=Algebra300]{Algebra 300}
\begin{frame}[label=Algebra400]{Algebra 400}
\begin{frame}[label=Algebra500]{Algebra 500}






为了以这种方式将 OCG 行为与命名目标/文件链接结合起来,我求助于使用 Javascript(我尝试过结合\hyperlink\actionsocg失败了)。这意味着您将需要使用支持查看器。



\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}%Removes default navigation symbols

function jumpTo(strDest)
    var arrayOCGs = this.getOCGs();
    for(var i=0; arrayOCGs && i<arrayOCGs.length;i++)
        if(arrayOCGs[i].name == strDest)
            // if the corresponding OCG is invisible, ignore the click
            if (arrayOCGs[i].state)
                //app.alert("Hello World! This is \jobname. You clicked " + strDest, 3);

                // make it invisible

                app.openDoc("\jobname-" + strDest + ".pdf", this);


\newcommand*{\buttonFor}[2]{%category, number



\newcommand{\dopoints}[1]{%#1<- points
\newcommand{\docell}[2]{%#1<- points, #2<- category

\section{Game Board}

    \frametitle{\Large Mental Math Competition -- Spring 2013}
    \begin{Form}% needed for \PushButton
            Geometry & Wuzzles & Probability & Math Ed. & Algebra\\[2ex]




\newcommand{\home}{\Acrobatmenu{Close}{\beamergotobutton{Game Board}}}
\newenvironment{questionslide}[2]% #1<- category, #2<- points
        \begin{frame}[environment=questionslide,fragile,label=#1#2]{#1 #2}%


        What is the sample space produced when two coins are flipped?



我可以建议另一个答案。它实际上在课堂上使用危险边缘在 CTAN 上:

1)游戏板上的按钮链接到 PDF 文件的相应页面

2) 检查所有有问题的 PDF 页面(在 pageopen 动作中),用户是否点击了相应的按钮。如果没有,则返回游戏板。如果是,则等待用户回答并再次返回游戏板。

3) 请记住,如果您开始使用 javascript,则用户只能使用 Acrobat Reader。其他查看器将失效。
