

这个问题与“如何中断 - 恢复 Latex 中的列表“我正在为我的学生准备考试,我想使用多列环境用于测试的各个部分。

  • 问题是,当我将 \begin{enumerate}[resume] 放入 \begin{multicols}{2} 环境中时,列表编号无法正确恢复

在 multicols 环境之外,列表可以像上面提供的源一样正常恢复。





\newcommand{\question}[1]{\item #1}
%\newcommand{\answer}[1]{\textcolor{black}{\textbf{\small(Answer: #1)}}}%SHOW ANSWERS
\newcommand{\answer}[1]{\\\rule{4cm}{0.1pt}}%HIDE ANSWERS, BUT UNDERLINE


  \colorbox{black}{\parbox[][1cm][b]{\dimexpr.3\textwidth-2\fboxsep}{\color{white}Part \thesection: \ #1}}}

\setlength{\columnsep}{1.5cm}% Column separation of text
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%      BEGIN DOCUMENT

\instructions{Fill in the blank}
\question{Do you prefer the modern \fillin{Ballet} to the classical.}
\question{There is a useful \fillin{bibliography} at the end of each chapter.}
\question{The photograph was \fillin{blurred} and it was hard to recognize him at first.}
\question{They \fillin{bowdlerized} the film by cutting out all the nude scenes.}

\instructions{Write the word that matches the definition provided.}
\question{a long piece of cloth, often stretched between two poles, with a sign on it, usually carried by people taking part in a march.} \answer{banner}
\question{an important or exiting news story that is printed in one newspaper before any of the others know about it.} \answer{bathos}
\question{a file for holding papers, in which metal rings go through the holes in the edges of the pages, holding them in place.} \answer{binder / ring-binder}
\question{to give somebody all of the necessary information about a situation.} \answer{brief}
\question{the use of harsh-sounding words or phrases or a dicordant combination of sounds in music.}\answer{cacophony}% (opposite of euphony)
\question{insincere, specious language calculated to give the impression of piety and religious ferver. in critical writing the term is also used to signify the special language and phraseology  characteristic of a profession or art.}\answer{cant}
\question{The conclusion of a play, particularly a tragedy; It is the final stage in the falling action, ending the dramatic conflict, winding up the plot and consisting of the actions that result from the climax.}\answer{catastrophe}
\question{someone who likes films very much and considers them to be a form of art, not just entertainment.}\answer{cinephile}




\question{Do you prefer the modern \fillin{Ballet} to the classical.}
\question{There is a useful \fillin{bibliography} at the end of each chapter.}
\question{The photograph was \fillin{blurred} and it was hard to recognize him at first.}
\question{They \fillin{bowdlerized} the film by cutting out all the nude scenes.}

\instructions{Write the word that matches the definition provided.}
\question{a long piece of cloth, often stretched between two poles, with a sign on it, usually carried by people taking part in a march.} \answer{banner}
\question{an important or exiting news story that is printed in one newspaper before any of the others know about it.} \answer{bathos}
\question{a file for holding papers, in which metal rings go through the holes in the edges of the pages, holding them in place.} \answer{binder / ring-binder}
\question{to give somebody all of the necessary information about a situation.} \answer{brief}
\question{the use of harsh-sounding words or phrases or a dicordant combination of sounds in music.}\answer{cacophony}% (opposite of euphony)
\question{insincere, specious language calculated to give the impression of piety and religious ferver. in critical writing the term is also used to signify the special language and phraseology  characteristic of a profession or art.}\answer{cant}
\question{The conclusion of a play, particularly a tragedy; It is the final stage in the falling action, ending the dramatic conflict, winding up the plot and consisting of the actions that result from the climax.}\answer{catastrophe}
\question{someone who likes films very much and considers them to be a form of art, not just entertainment.}\answer{cinephile}



但是,它可以与 一起使用enumitem ver 2.x


\def\enit@setresumekeys #1#2#3{%
  \enit@toks \expandafter {\enit@savekeys }%
  \xdef \enit@afterlist {#2\def \enit@noexcs {enit@resumekeys@#1}{\the\enit@toks }%
    \ifnum \enit@type =\z@ #3\gdef \enit@noexcs
      {enit@resume@#1}{\csname c@\@listctr \endcsname \the \csname c@\@listctr \endcsname }%

在这个宏的原始定义中,有\def \enit@noexcs



\def\enit@setresumekeys #1#2#3{%
  \enit@toks \expandafter {\enit@savekeys }%
  \xdef \enit@afterlist {#2\def \enit@noexcs {enit@resumekeys@#1}{\the\enit@toks }%
    \ifnum \enit@type =\z@ #3\gdef \enit@noexcs
    {enit@resume@#1}{\csname c@\@listctr \endcsname \the \csname c@\@listctr \endcsname }%



\newcommand{\question}[1]{\item #1}
%\newcommand{\answer}[1]{\textcolor{black}{\textbf{\small(Answer: #1)}}}%SHOW ANSWERS
\newcommand{\answer}[1]{\\\rule{4cm}{0.1pt}}%HIDE ANSWERS, BUT UNDERLINE


  \colorbox{black}{\parbox[][1cm][b]{\dimexpr.3\textwidth-2\fboxsep}{\color{white}Part \thesection: \ #1}}}

\setlength{\columnsep}{1.5cm}% Column separation of text
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%      BEGIN DOCUMENT

\instructions{Fill in the blank}
\question{Do you prefer the modern \fillin{Ballet} to the classical.}
\question{There is a useful \fillin{bibliography} at the end of each chapter.}
\question{The photograph was \fillin{blurred} and it was hard to recognize him at first.}
\question{They \fillin{bowdlerized} the film by cutting out all the nude scenes.}

\instructions{Write the word that matches the definition provided.}
\question{a long piece of cloth, often stretched between two poles, with a sign on it, usually carried by people taking part in a march.} \answer{banner}
\question{an important or exiting news story that is printed in one newspaper before any of the others know about it.} \answer{bathos}
\question{a file for holding papers, in which metal rings go through the holes in the edges of the pages, holding them in place.} \answer{binder / ring-binder}
\question{to give somebody all of the necessary information about a situation.} \answer{brief}
\question{the use of harsh-sounding words or phrases or a dicordant combination of sounds in music.}\answer{cacophony}% (opposite of euphony)
\question{insincere, specious language calculated to give the impression of piety and religious ferver. in critical writing the term is also used to signify the special language and phraseology  characteristic of a profession or art.}\answer{cant}
\question{The conclusion of a play, particularly a tragedy; It is the final stage in the falling action, ending the dramatic conflict, winding up the plot and consisting of the actions that result from the climax.}\answer{catastrophe}
\question{someone who likes films very much and considers them to be a form of art, not just entertainment.}\answer{cinephile}


作为大卫聊天中指出,该序列\noindent\par\noindent在水平框内无效(这\colorbox是)。此外,我%在 的定义中添加了两个 s \instructions,以删除它产生的两个虚假空格。
