为 TeXShop 配置 TeX Live 路径

为 TeXShop 配置 TeX Live 路径

我最近安装了 TeXShop,然后开始编写一些代码并尝试预览它。不幸的是,我收到了一条错误消息:

   Can't find required tool.
    /usr/texbin/simpdftex does not exist.
Perhaps TeXLive as not installed or was removed during a system upgrade.
If so, go to the TeXShop website and follow the instructions to (re)install TexLive.
Another possibility is that a tool path is incorrectly configured in TeXShop preferences.
This can happen if you are using the fink teTeX distribution.

我继续安装 TeX Live 的完整版本。重新启动 TeXShop 后,我发现我得到了与上述完全相同的错误。我检查了我的/usr/texbin目录,没有找到这样的目录!此外,我查看了我的偏好设置,发现我的路径设置如下:

(pdf)TeX: /usr/texbin
Distiller (ghostscript): /usr/local/bin

我应该更改其中任一路径吗?我应该重新安装 TeXShop 吗?
