



GNU is a recursive acronym for ``\emph{\bf{G}\normalfont{nu's} \bf{N}\normalfont{ot} \bf{U}\normalfont{nix}}'', chosen because GNU's design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free software and containing no Unix code.



GNU is a recursive acronym for ``\BoldAbbrv{Gnu's Not Unix}'', chosen because GNU's design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free software and containing no Unix code.






% turn expl3 space on: `:' and `_' are letters now and spaces
% are ignored. To insert a space use `~'.
% declare a new sequence variable:
\seq_new:N \l_pouya_boldfirst_seq

% the internal command:
\cs_new:Npn \pouya_boldfirst:n #1
    % split the input at every space and put the items in the sequence:
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_pouya_boldfirst_seq { ~ } { #1 }
    % map over every item of the sequence; each item is referred to with
    % `##1' as we're inside of a command definition:
    \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_pouya_boldfirst_seq
        % use the head of the item in the argument of \textbf
        % and put in the tail of the item after it
        % followed by a space:
        \textbf { \tl_head:n { ##1 } } \tl_tail:n { ##1 } ~
    % undo the last space:

% the document command:
  { \pouya_boldfirst:n { #1 } }

% turn expl3 space off again:


GNU is a recursive acronym for ``\BoldFirst{Gnu's Not Unix}'', chosen because GNU's
design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free software and containing
no Unix code.



这似乎是 LaTeX3 的 RegEx 功能的良好应用:

\NewDocumentCommand{\BoldFirst}{ m }
  \pouya_boldfirst:n { #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \pouya_boldfirst:n #1
  \tl_set:Nn \l_pouya_input_tl { #1 }
  \regex_replace_once:nnN { \A(.*?[A-Za-z]) } { \c{textbf}\cB\{ \1 \cE\} } \l_pouya_input_tl
  \regex_replace_all:nnN { (\s) (.*?[A-Za-z]) } { \1  \c{textbf}\cB\{ \2 \cE\} } \l_pouya_input_tl
  \tl_use:N \l_pouya_input_tl

\BoldFirst{Gnu's Not Unix}

\BoldFirst{Gnu's Not \'Unix}

\BoldFirst{Gnu's Not \v{U}nix}

如果使用 LICR(无 UTF-8 输入),重音字符也可以工作。



使用分隔参数的 TeX 解决方案。


  • \BoldAbbrv{<text>}并没有扩展其论点,并且
  • \eBoldAbbrv{<text>}在处理之前确实扩展了它的参数。




 \qrr@BoldAbbrv#1 \relax
 \edef\qrr@BoldAbbrv@Arg{#1 }%
\def\qrr@BoldAbbrv#1 #2\relax{%
\newcommand*{\GNU}{Gnu's Not Unix}
\BoldAbbrv{Gnu's Not Unix} --- \BoldAbbrv{Gnu's Not {\"U}nix}

\BoldAbbrv{\GNU} --- \eBoldAbbrv{\GNU}

\BoldAbbrv{Gnu's Not {\d{U}}nix} --- \eBoldAbbrv{Gnu's Not {\noexpand\d{U}}nix}




已经有 3 个答案,1 个被接受,但让我尝试以下代码。它确实允许用户输入一些灵活性,但在更危险的情况下肯定会失败。







\ \expandafter\textbf\else%
\ifx\BoldAbbrv@token\egroup\ \else%
\ \expandafter\textbf\else%
\ifx\BoldAbbrv@token\egroup\ \else%
\gdef\BoldAbbrv@aux#1{\ifx#1 \expandafter \else%
\ifx#1^^M\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \else%
\ifcat\noexpand#1a{\ \bfseries#1}\else%
\LongJump{\ #1}\fi\fi\fi}%
\gdef\BoldAbbrv@auxeol#1{\ifx#1 \expandafter^^M\else%
\ifcat\noexpand#1a{\ \bfseries#1}\else%
\LongJump{\ #1}\fi\fi\fi}%
\gdef\BoldAbbrv@inita{\def {\futurelet\BoldAbbrv@token\BoldAbbrv@sp}%
\gdef\BoldAbbrv@auxb#1{\ifx#1 \expandafter \else%
\ifx#1^^M\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \else%
     \BoldAbbrv@inita\afterassignment\BoldAbbrv@initb\let\next= }

GNU is a recursive acronym for ``\BoldAbbrv{Gnu's     Not Unix}'', chosen
because GNU's design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free
software and containing no Unix code.

Space Torture test (\emph{n.b.} spaces or endlines just after 
the opening brace
or just
before the closing one count as one):
GNU is a recursive acronym for ``\BoldAbbrv{Gnu's    Not      Unix'', 
\BoldAbbrv    {    
because GNU's design      is Unix-like, but   differs from Unix 
                by being free
software     and containing     }no Unix code.

This new version does not bolden quotes, unfortunately it
doesn't either bolden the letter after the quote(s): \par
\BoldAbbrv{GNU is a recursive acronym for ``Gnu's Not Unix''}.

\BoldAbbrv{Things put {inside braces} in the argument will be
  typeset {entirely bold.}

Accents need to be put inside braces. Omitting
  braces does \emph{not} create an error. UTF8 letters in
  PDFLaTeX need to be put inside braces for the macro to
  operate, but this is not necessary with XeTeX. And in both
  cases no compilation errors when braces are omitted.
  Examples: Gnu's Not Unix --- Gnu's Not {\"U}nix (ok) ---
  Gnu's Not \"Unix (no) --- Gnu's Not {Ü}nix (ok) --- Gnu's
  Not Ünix (ok with Unicode engines). As ok followed a
  parenthesis it was not boldened. The parenthesis not being a
  letter wasn't boldened either.}

The new version has no effect on a macro even if it expands to
a string:
\newcommand*{\GNU}{Gnu's Not Unix}\BoldAbbrv{\GNU}.
This is sad but the new version is compatible with more
general input. It only boldens letters, or groups enclosed
within braces. \BoldAbbrv{{\GNU}}.

\BoldAbbrv{The macro {can} be applied to more than
  one paragraph simultaneously. Yes, really.

The macro {can} be applied to more than
  one paragraph simultaneously. Yes, really.

\BoldAbbrv{And it \BoldAbbrv{can be} nested. Although one does
not see the interest.}

An empty argument\BoldAbbrv{} is no error.

A space after the opening brace or before the closing brace
counts: \BoldAbbrv{ Gnu's Not {\"U}nix }X. Two or more are like
just one:\BoldAbbrv{   Gnu's Not {\"U}nix    }X.

This does not quite work: \BoldAbbrv{\emph{An emphasized
    argument.}} And this neither: \BoldAbbrv{\itshape{}An
  italicized argument,\/} where we got rid of the initial
superfluous space which is in this example:
\BoldAbbrv{\itshape An italicized argument with a spurious
  initial space.} So one must do {\itshape\BoldAbbrv{This is
    not argument to a macro, and it works.}\/}

\textsl{\BoldAbbrv {The macro does not work in the argument to
    another macro (except itself... as it is not really a
    macro with argument despite appearances!)}}


