如何在 Context 中执行悬挂缩进?我一直在查看我找到的几个示例,例如http://wiki.contextgarden.net/MLA_style,但无法按我想要的方式运行。此外,workscited
Context 中的函数也不适合我。
我只是想做一个悬挂缩进,但找不到直接的方法来做到这一点。下面是一个尝试使用 TeX 的绝望(最小不起作用)示例hangindent
\indenting[yes, next] % turn on regular indenting of first line of paragraph, excluding the first paragraph
\subject{A normal section}
This paragraph is not indented since it is the first one!
Hello and miau, this is the second paragraph that is indented by exactly one em, isn't it?
\subject{Works cited}
% We want those to be indented hanging: The first line should begin at the margin while following lines of each paragraph is indented by one em.
Jaynes, Julian. {\os 1990}. {\em The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind}. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Pye, David. {\os 1995}. {\em The Nature and Art of Workmanship}. London: The Herbert Press.
Persson, Tomas. {\os 2008}. {\em Pictorial Primates: A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes}. Lund: Lund University Cognitive Studies.
等ConTeXt 环境list
设置 TeX 基元\hangindent
你设置的方式不起作用,因为 TeX 会重置每个段落的悬挂缩进!因此,要设置悬挂缩进一段落,删除宏后的空格\hang...
% No new paragraph here!
Jaynes, Julian. {\os 1990}. {\em The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind}. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Company.