

我是 Latex 的新手。最近我在尝试使用 minipage 来显示一些图片。我使用的代码如下:


\epsfig{file=0.eps, width=7cm}
\caption{Extracting root node coordinates for calculating LEMBR}\label{fig1}
\epsfig{file=1.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Sending LEMBRs from client sites to Query Site,Calculating GEMBR at Query site and sending them back to client sites parallely}\label{fig2}
\epsfig{file=2.eps, width=4.5cm}
\caption{Partitioning the copy of GEMBR at each client sites}\label{fig3}
\epsfig{file=3.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Mapping Leaf Level objects at each site on the partitioned GEMBR}\label{fig4}


我在论文的每个部分都使用了上述代码。但问题是我找不到最后 3 个数字,在我看来,它们是不可见的。可能是什么问题?此外,当我从我的写作中引用这些数字时,找不到它们,它显示??反而。

这是有同样问题的最小代码,只需用一些随机的 eps 文件编译它即可。在这种情况下,它不会显示前四个数字,并在其引用中放置 ??。

\usepackage{epstopdf} %automatically converts eps->pdf for use in pdfLaTeX.







%\keywords{} % NOT required for Proceedings




1)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig1}.  

2)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig2}.

3)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig2}.

4)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig3}.

5)This is depicted in \ref{fig4}.


\epsfig{file=0.eps, width=7cm}
\caption{Figure 1}\label{fig1}
\epsfig{file=1.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 2}\label{fig2}
\epsfig{file=2.eps, width=4.5cm}
\caption{Figure 3}\label{fig3}
\epsfig{file=3.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 4}\label{fig4}

%%and repeat everything from \begin{minipage}... to \end{minipage} again for each image

\section{Some Strategy Name1}

The PMSJ algorithm comprises of the following steps:

1)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig5}.

2)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig6}.

3)This is depicted in Figure \ref{fig7}.


\epsfig{file=P_1.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 5}\label{fig5}
\epsfig{file=P_2.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 6}\label{fig6}
\epsfig{file=P_3.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 7}\label{fig7}

%%and repeat everything from \begin{minipage}... to \end{minipage} again for each image

\section{Some Strategy Name2}

The steps for BFSJ are as follows:

1)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig8}.

2)This is depicted in Figure \ref{fig9}.

3)This is shown in Figure \ref{fig10}.


\epsfig{file=B_1.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 8}\label{fig8}
\epsfig{file=B_2.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{Figure 9}\label{fig9}
\epsfig{file=B_3.eps, width=6cm}
\caption{figure 10}\label{fig10}

%%and repeat everything from \begin{minipage}... to \end{minipage} again for each image








我认为 TeX 无法在figure环境中插入分页符。因此,如果将多幅图像放在一个figure环境中,可能会导致一些图像从页脚掉落。通常的安排是将每幅图像放在自己的figure环境中,并附上相应的标题和标签。

\usepackage{lipsum} %For dummy text
\rule{4cm}{4cm} % Replace with image                                            
\caption{A nice figure}
\rule{4cm}{4cm} % Replace with image
\caption{Another nice figure}

