更改 pgfplots 条形图中节点的颜色

更改 pgfplots 条形图中节点的颜色



\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}


\pgfplotstableread[header=false, col sep=comma]{ % Read data table. 
% First row doesn't have column names, hence the "header=false"
1, first item
5, second item

    ,bar width=2ex, y=3ex
    ,nodes near coords 
    ,nodes near coords align={horizontal} 
    % my approach:
    ,every node near coords/.append style={color=red}
    ,enlarge y limits={abs=0.75}
    ,ytick={data} % (\empty,data,{coordinate list})
    ,yticklabels from table={\datatable}{1}
  \addplot table [
    y expr=-\coordindex, % Use negative coordinate index as y coordinate
    x index=0 % Use first column as x coordinate
  ] {\datatable};

