


  \caption{A magnetic multilayer (a trilayer or ``sandwich'') that exhibits the GMR effect.  Magnetic iron (red) and chromium (grey).}\label{setup}


 By constructing multilayers as depicted in Fig \ref{setup} devices....


LaTeX 警告:第 2 页上的引用“setup”在输入行 64 上未定义。





%Uncomment next line if AMS fonts required


\section{Giant Magnetoresistance}


      \caption{A magnetic multilayer (a trilayer or ``sandwich'') that exhibits the GMR     effect.  Magnetic iron (red) and chromium (grey).}\label{setup}



\caption{The initial results displaying GMR effect by Gr\"unberg (left) and Fert (right).\\
    Left: To the far right and left the iron layers are parallel to the external magnetic field.  In the middle the iron layers are antiparallel to the external magnetic field.\\
    Right:  To the far left and right the magnetisation of the iron layers are parallel to the external magnetic field.  In the middle every second iron layer is magnetised perpendicular to the external magnetic field.} \label{fig-initial-results}



\subsection{GMR cause and effect}
By constructing multilayers as depicted in Fig \ref{setup} devices such as spin-valves can be constructed which depend on being able to switch between different resistivity, this resistivity can be understood by analysing the following diagram.



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    \caption{The initial results displaying GMR effect by Gr\"unberg (left)
             and Fert (right).}
        Left: To the far right and left the iron layers are parallel to the
        external magnetic field.  In the middle the iron layers are
        antiparallel to the external magnetic field.\\ 
        Right:  To the far
        left and right the magnetisation of the iron layers are parallel to
        the external magnetic field.  In the middle every second iron layer
        is magnetised perpendicular to the external magnetic field.





下面是完整的 MWE,展示了我的建议:

%Uncomment next line if AMS fonts required

\section{Giant Magnetoresistance}

    \caption{A magnetic multilayer (a trilayer or ``sandwich'') that
             exhibits the GMR effect.  }
        Magnetic iron (red) and chromium (grey).





\subsection{GMR cause and effect}

By constructing multilayers as depicted in Fig \ref{setup} devices such as
spin-valves can be constructed which depend on being able to switch between
different resistivity, this resistivity can be understood by analysing the
following diagram.


    \caption{The initial results displaying GMR effect by Gr\"unberg (left)
             and Fert (right).}
        Left: To the far right and left the iron layers are parallel to the
        external magnetic field.  In the middle the iron layers are
        antiparallel to the external magnetic field.\\ 
        Right:  To the far
        left and right the magnetisation of the iron layers are parallel to
        the external magnetic field.  In the middle every second iron layer
        is magnetised perpendicular to the external magnetic field.

