灵感来自Clemens Niederberger 关于可能的新软件包的帖子,我曾尝试使用 PSTricks 创建类似的图形。
% Parameters
\def\basinwidth{15 }
\def\basinheight{10 }
% Basin
\psline(1,0)(!\basinwidth 1 sub 0)
\psarc(!\basinwidth 1 sub 1){1}{270}{360}
% Membrane
(!\basinwidth 2 div 0)%
(!\basinwidth 2 div \waterheight)
% Cathode
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 sub 1)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add 1)
\rput(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight 2 div){\cathode}
% Anode
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub 1)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 add 1)
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight 2 div){\anode}
% Wires
\rput(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight){$+$}
\psline(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight)
\psarc(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight){1}{90}{180}
\psline(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 add)%
(!\basinwidth 1 sub 2 div \basinheight 1 add)
\pscircle(!\basinwidth 2 div \basinheight 1 add){0.5}
\rput(!\basinwidth 2 div \basinheight 1 add){$U$}
\psline(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 add)%
(!\basinwidth 1 add 2 div \basinheight 1 add)
\psarc(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight){1}{0}{90}
\psline(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight)
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight){$-$}
% Electron movement
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 1 add 8 div \basinheight 3 2 div add)%
{\ch{->[ e- ]}}
\rput(!5 \basinwidth mul 2 sub 8 div \basinheight 3 2 div add)%
{\ch{->[ e- ]}}
代码应该用 进行编译xelatex
我看过了chemmacros 手册为了绘制上面带有电子的箭头,但我无法让它工作\ch{ ->[\el] }
我对 PSTricks 没有任何经验,所以我不知道是否有比我建议的方法更好的方法。在我看来,这是一项简单的任务:将整个定义包装在一个带有可选参数的宏中。PSTricks 加载xkeyval
% default definitions:
% keys for the optional argument:
% \cell[<options>]{<basinwidth>}{<basinheight>}{<waterheight>}
% set the keys:
\def\basinwidth{#2 }%
\def\basinheight{#3 }%
\def\waterheight{#4 }%
% the rest of the definition:
分组是为了将键的设置保持在本地。但是,由于它们将在 a 中使用,pspicture
因此可能不需要。如果您想访问单元格的坐标,最好还是省略它。(正如我所说:我没有使用 PSTricks 的经验,所以我没有测试过这个……)
\def\basinwidth{#2 }%
\def\basinheight{#3 }%
\def\waterheight{#4 }%
% Basin
\psline(1,0)(!\basinwidth 1 sub 0)
\psarc(!\basinwidth 1 sub 1){1}{270}{360}
% Membrane
(!\basinwidth 2 div 0)%
(!\basinwidth 2 div \waterheight)
% Cathode
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 sub 1)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add 1)
\rput(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight 2 div){\cathode}
% Anode
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub 1)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 add 1)
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight 2 div){\anode}
% Wires
\rput(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight){$+$}
\psline(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!\basinwidth 4 div \basinheight)
\psarc(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight){1}{90}{180}
\psline(!\basinwidth 4 div 1 add \basinheight 1 add)%
(!\basinwidth 1 sub 2 div \basinheight 1 add)
\pscircle(!\basinwidth 2 div \basinheight 1 add){0.5}
\rput(!\basinwidth 2 div \basinheight 1 add){$U$}
\psline(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight 1 add)%
(!\basinwidth 1 add 2 div \basinheight 1 add)
\psarc(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight){1}{0}{90}
\psline(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight 1 sub)%
(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div \basinheight)
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 4 div 1 sub \basinheight){$-$}
% Electron movement
\rput(!3 \basinwidth mul 1 add 8 div \basinheight 3 2 div add)%
{\ch{->[ e- ]}}
\rput(!5 \basinwidth mul 2 sub 8 div \basinheight 3 2 div add)%
{\ch{->[ e- ]}}