1 pav. 第一个标题
2 pav. 第二个标题
为了获得“1 pav”而不是“图 1”,您可以按如下方式破解 IEEE 文档类(但请注意,出版商可能不会喜欢这样)。
\def\fnum@figure{\thefigure\ \figurename}
\caption{A nice figure}
\caption{Another nice figure}
并进行调整,使标题的行为与 IEEE 会议论文中的行为相同(如果标题适合一行则居中)。
% test if is a for a figure or table
% if a table, do table caption
\footnotesize\begin{center}{\normalfont\footnotesize #1}\\{\normalfont\footnotesize\scshape #2}\end{center}%
% if not a table, format it as a figure
% 3/2001 use footnotesize, not small; use two nonbreaking spaces, not one
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\normalfont\footnotesize {#1.}~~ #2}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize%
% if caption is longer than a line, let it wrap around
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\normalfont\footnotesize {#1.}~~ }%
% if caption is shorter than a line, center
\hbox to\hsize{\normalfont\footnotesize\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
\def\fnum@figure{\thefigure\ \figurename}
\caption{A nice figure}
\caption{Another nice figure}
该解决方案涉及 boxhandler 包,可让您最大程度地控制字幕,如三个示例所示。
\bxfigure{This is the caption to the figure, which I am making very long
to show a point}{\fbox{This is the figure right here}}
\bxfigure{This is the caption to the figure, which I am making very long
to show a point}{\fbox{This is the figure right here}}
\bxfigure{This is the caption to the figure, which I am making very long
to show a point}{\fbox{This is the figure right here}}