使用 PDFLaTeX 和 hyperref 在 BibTeX 中插入连字点

使用 PDFLaTeX 和 hyperref 在 BibTeX 中插入连字点

如何告诉 PDFLaTeX 在我想要的位置进行连字?





This is text with \cite{reference}.




    title = {{Some dummy title in bib.}},
    howpublished = {\url{http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/relnotes/features.html\#concurrency}},
    note = {Last access: 12.03.2013},


1st line: Some dummy title in bib. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/relnotes/features.
2nd line: html#concurrency. Last access: 12.03.2013.


1st line: Some dummy title in bib. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/
2nd line: relnotes/features.html#concurrency. Last access: 12.03.2013.


1st line: Some dummy title in bib. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/ <-/
2nd line: relnotes/features.html#concurrency. Last access: 12.03.2013.

<-/- 是个进入箭。

我尝试在 URL 中插入{\-}和,但它会在该位置添加文本\-\discretionary{- }{}{}


解决方案在这个答案中\UrlBreaks已经展示了如何通过指定、\UrlBigBreaks和来微调 URL 的换行\UrlNoBreaks


\usepackage{dingbat}  % for \carriagereturn symbol
\renewcommand{\UrlBreaks}{}    % no standard breaking points
                            \do\#{\mathchar`\#\urllb}}% and so on

为了手动指定断点,我们使用一个希望不会出现在任何 URL 中的符号,例如星号*,并使其成为类似于上述符号的断点 URL,但从字符串中消失:


为了使用此解决方案获得正确的链接,还需要从链接中过滤掉星号。我们使用华丽的Qrrbrbirlbel 的解决方案




    title = {{Some dummy title in bib.}},
    howpublished = {\url{http://docs.*oracle.com/*javase/*1.5.0/*docs/*rel*notes/*fea*tures.html#*concur*rency}},
    note = {Last access: 12.03.2013},


\usepackage{dingbat}  % for \carriagereturn symbol
%% original breaking points of url package
% \def\UrlBreaks{\do\.\do\@\do\\\do\/\do\!\do\_\do\|\do\;\do\>\do\]%
%  \do\)\do\,\do\?\do\'\do+\do\=\do\#}%
% \def\UrlBigBreaks{\do\:\do@url@hyp}%

\g@addto@macro{\UrlNoBreaks}{\do\.} % do not break after dot '.'

\renewcommand{\UrlBreaks}{}    % no standard breaking points
                            \do\#{\mathchar`\#\urllb}}% and so on
% \renewcommand{\UrlSpecials}{\do\*{\urllb}}

%% solution of Qrrbrbirlbel, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/103870/21591

This is text with \cite{reference}.

Automatic breaking with carriage return symbol:

Text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text text text


Hand tuned URL breaking:

Text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text text

Text text text text text text text text text text text text




向 Qrrbrbirlbel 致敬,感谢他解决了最困难的部分。


如果您加载包hyperref或包urlLaTeX 能够找到正确的断点,以便进行无误的连字符连接。因此,经常会发生在对齐文本中出现大空白的情况。在 URL 中插入额外的符号-来标记连字符不是一个好主意。读者不知道 是-属于 URL 还是仅仅是一个连字符符号。URL 最好在 之后连字符连接/.等等。


编辑:我用从此处复制的一段代码更新了 MWE问题并以您想要的方式在 URL 中获取换行符。但请记住:使用此解决方案,LaTeX 会决定使用特殊字符来中断 URL,而不是您。

尝试一下这个 MWE:

    title = {{Some dummy title in bib.}},
    howpublished = {\url{http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/relnotes/features.html\#concurrency}},
    note = {Last access: 12.03.2013},



\g@addto@macro{\UrlNoBreaks}{\do\.} % do not break after dot '.'

  newcommands     % \RaggedRight=\raggedright etc. 
 ,newparameters   % use default settings of ragged2e


This is text with \cite{reference}.

{\raggedright  % group to end left justification after bib
}              % ends group for left justified bibliography

