我正在使用 LyX 附带的论文模板,每当我对某个方程式进行交叉引用时,它都会伴随单词“方程式 XX.YY”,而我只想要数字“XX.YY”。
options = intoc,bibliography=totoc,index=totoc,BCOR10mm,captions=tableheading,titlepage,fleqn
% increases link area for cross-references and autoname them
% if you change the document language to e.g. French
% you must change "extrasenglish" to "extrasfrench"
% in case somebody want to have the label "Equation"
% that links to image floats jumps to the beginning
% of the float and not to its caption
% the pages of the TOC is numbered roman
% and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added
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% makes caption labels bold
% enables calculations
% fancy page header/footer settings
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% increases the bottom float placement fraction
% avoids that floats are placed above its sections
% para organizar la nomenclatura
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}% cierra sub y superíndices
}% cierra abreviaturas
}% cierra griegos
}% cierra latinos
% para ponerle unidades
% Numerar ecuaciones por sección