我想用 TikZ 创建一个图形:
我首先尝试使用以下代码(备注:底部完成 MWE):
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
我创建了两个节点 A 和 B,并在它们之间绘制了两条路径。但是第二个覆盖了第一个。
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3,transform canvas={shift={(-0.2,-0.2)}}] (A) |-( B); % shift complete path
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.80) |-( B.190); %set target with angle
\path [draw,green, line width=3] (A.70) |-( B.200); %set target with angle
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{5cm}}; %modified node
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.80) |-( B.190); %set target with angle
\path [draw,green, line width=3] (A.70) |-( B.200); %set target with angle
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.north)+(0.2,0) |-( B.west)+(0,-0.2);
我还发现TikZ 节点之间的平行边,但我找不到使用它的方法。
这是我的 MWE:
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw=black,very thick, rectangle, rounded corners]
\section{Problem: Pathes are overwritten}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\section{Shift path}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3,transform canvas={shift={(-0.2,-0.2)}}] (A) |-( B); % shift complete path
\section{Set point with degrees}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.80) |-( B.190); %set target with angle
\path [draw,green, line width=3] (A.70) |-( B.200); %set target with angle
\subsection{But with other nodes}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{5cm}}; %modified node
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.80) |-( B.190); %set target with angle
\path [draw,green, line width=3] (A.70) |-( B.200); %set target with angle
\section{Use offsets}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\path [draw,red, line width=3] (A) |-( B);
\path [draw,blue, line width=3] (A.north)+(0.2,0) |- ( B.west)+(0,-0.2);
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
这里有两种方法可以做到这一点。第一种方法使用辅助节点 (C),因为我无法对坐标计算进行分组。第二种方法使用 calc 包并进行现场计算。颜色和距离在 foreach 循环中成对给出,因此您可以控制所有线条的放置位置。
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw=black,very thick, rectangle, rounded corners]
\section{Solution: shift lines with extra coordinate}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\foreach \s/\col in {0/red, 0.2/blue, 0.4/green}{
\coordinate[yshift=-\s cm] (C) at (B.west);
\path [draw,\col, line width=2] (A.north)+(\s cm,0) |- (C);
\section{Solution: shift lines using calc package}
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\foreach \s/\col in {0/red, 0.2/blue, 0.4/green}{
\path [draw,\col, line width=2] (A.north)+(\s cm,0) |- ($(B.west)-(0,\s cm)$);
如果您希望线条居中,只需在 foreach \foreach \s/\col in {-0.2/red, 0/blue, 0.2/green}{...} 中使用
\tikzset{double -|/.style={to path={%
($(\tikztostart)+(0,1pt)$) -| ($(\tikztotarget)+(-1pt,0)$)
($(\tikztostart)+(0,-1pt)$) -| ($(\tikztotarget)+(1pt,0)$)
\draw (0,0) to[double -|] (1,1);
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw=black,very thick, rectangle, rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{mytriple} = [red, line width=3, postaction={transform canvas={shift={(0.2,-0.2)}}, draw, blue, line width=3, shorten >=0.2cm, shorten <=0.2cm},%
postaction={transform canvas={shift={(0.4,-0.4)}}, draw, green, line width=3, shorten >=0.4cm, shorten <=0.4cm}]
\node [block] (A) at (0,0) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\node [block] (B) at (5,5) {\rule{2cm}{2cm}};
\draw [mytriple] (A) |- (B);