


   \typeout{ exam paper style -- Version 06/06/14}

%  \ifnull  --- checks if parameter is null (spaces are NOT null)
%  \ifblank --- checks if parameter is blank (i.e. null or spaces)
%  \ifgiven --- checks if parameter is not blank: like \ifblank\else
%     use \ifgiven{#1}\then   ...  \else  ...  \fi   etc
{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
\long\gdef\ifgiven#1\then{\Ifbl@nk#1@@@\empty!}% negative of \ifblank
\long\gdef\ifblank#1\then{\Ifbl@nk#1@@..!}% if null or spaces
\long\gdef\ifnull#1\then{\IfN@LL#1* {#1}!}% if null
\long\gdef\IfN@LL#1 #2!{\ifblank{#2}\then}
%\setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount}  % a little space before a \par
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}       % don't indent first lines of paragraphs
\def\nocalculator{\def\@calcu{NOT }}\def\@calcu{}
\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle 
% \let\thanks\relax
  CS \@course\\[\baselineskip]
  {\bf \@title}
    \\[.5\baselineskip]{\bf Paper \@papernum} 
{\bf Marks:}x \= \kill
{\bf Marks:}\>\@totalmarks \\[\baselineskip]
{\bf Time:} \>\@totaltime
\begin{itemize} \itemsep 0pt
\item Approximate marks per question are shown in brackets
\item The use of calculators is \@calcu permitted

\def\section{\par            % New paragraph
\ifnum \c@section >\z@ \addvspace{3ex}\hrule height1pt \fi
  \addvspace{4ex}           % Adds vertical space above title.
  \@afterindentfalse        % Suppresses indent in first paragraph.  Change
  \secdef\@section\@ssection}     % to \@afterindenttrue to have indent.

\def\@section[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne    % IF secnumdepth -1
    \refstepcounter{section}                    %  THEN step section counter
  { \parindent \z@ \centering
    \large \bf Section           % Print 'Part'
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne   % IF secnumdepth -1
      \thesection\@.                 %   THEN  print number
      \fi                            % FI
    #2\markboth{}{}\par }          % Print title and set heading marks null.
    \nobreak                       % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 2ex                     % Space between title and text.
  \@afterheading                  % Routine called after part and
    }                              %     section heading.
% Heading for \section* command
\def\@ssection#1{{\parindent \z@ \centering
    \large\bf Section: #1 \par}              % Title.
    \nobreak                        % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 2ex                      % Space between title and text.
    \@afterheading                  % Routine called after part and
  }                                 %     section heading.
\def\questionmark#1{}  % we don't need header marks
%\def\thequestion{Question \arabic{question}}
%\def\question{\@startsection{question}{2}{\z@}{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus
% -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\bf}}
\def\question{\par             % New paragraph
  \addvspace{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}  % Adds vertical space before
  \@afterindentfalse          % Suppresses indent in first paragraph.
% Heading for \question* command
  \refstepcounter{question}         % step question counter
  {\bf Question \thequestion. #1    % Print 'Question n.' and title
    \hspace{2em}                     % Print total marks...
    [\qmarks{\arabic{question}} marks]
    \markboth{}{}\par}               % set heading marks null.
    \nobreak                       % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 1.5ex plus .2ex         % Space between title and text.
  \@afterheading                  % Routine called after part and
}                                  %     section heading.
  {Total marks for Question `#1' on page \thepage \space
\def\@recordmarks#1#2{\@bsphack\ifnum #1 >\z@\if@filesw {%
%\ifnum #1 >\lastquestion\lastquestion=#1\fi
% #1 = question number; #2 = total marks
  {Question `#1' total marks multiply defined}}\global\@namedef{q@#1}{#2}}

\leftmargini  2em
\leftmarginii \leftmarginiii
\leftmarginiii \leftmarginiv





\newcommand{\linemarks}[1]{\mbox{}\nobreak\hrulefill\ \nobreak[#1]%
\loop\ifnum\lincnt<#1 \advance\lincnt by 1

% {\bf NAME: \fbox{\rule[-.2ex]{0pt}{2ex}\hspace*{9cm}}\hfill STUDENTNO:
{\bf NAME:} \raisebox{2.8ex}{\makebox[0pt][l]{Surname}}%
{\bf STUDENT NO:} \framebox[3.5cm]{\rule[-.2ex]{0pt}{2ex}} \hfill
{\bf COURSE CODE:} \framebox[2.5cm][l]{CSC\rule[-.2ex]{0pt}{2ex}}\\[.5\baselineskip]
This paper consists of \ref{last@quest} questions and 
\pageref{last@quest} pages (including this cover page).
%   \\[1ex]
\protect\hline\protect\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\bf Mark Allocation}\protect\\
Quest & Marks & Internal & External &
Quest & Marks & Internal & External \protect\\\protect\hline}

\@tempcnta=\c@question\advance\@tempcnta by 1\divide\@tempcnta by 2
\@tempcntb=\c@question \divide\@tempcntb by 2 \lincnt=0%
\loop\ifnum\lincnt <\@tempcntb%
\advance\lincnt by 1\advance \@tempcnta by 1
\addtocontents{toc}{\number\lincnt & 
{[\protect\@nameuse{q@\number\lincnt}]} & & & 
\number\@tempcnta & 
& & \protect\\\protect\hline}%
\@tempcnta=\c@question\advance\@tempcnta by 1\divide\@tempcnta by 2
\ifnum\lincnt <\@tempcnta%
\number\@tempcnta & 
{[\protect\@nameuse{q@\number\@tempcnta}]} &&& &&&
\protect\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\bf Total}& & &
\protect\multicolumn{2}{r|}{\bf Total} & & \protect\\\protect\hline
\protect\multicolumn{6}{r|}{\bf Grand Total} &
\protect\rule{0pt}{4ex} &\protect\\\protect\cline{7-8}
\protect\multicolumn{6}{r|}{\bf Final Mark} & 
\protect\multicolumn{4}{|l||}{\bf Internal Examiner:\protect\rule{0pt}{4ex}}& 
\protect\multicolumn{4}{l|}{\bf External Examiner:}
% Change \enddocument so it checks the \q@i values for changes similar to
% what is done with references.
\if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@mainaux%
\def\global\@namedef##1##2{}\def\newlabel{\@testdef r}%
\def\newqmarks{\@testdef q}% <------- the only change (addition) we made
\def\bibcite{\@testdef b}\@tempswafalse \makeatletter\input \jobname.aux
\if@tempswa \@warning{Label(s) may have changed.  Rerun to get
cross-references right}\fi\fi\endgroup\deadcycles\z@\@@end}





\item A question  \lines{3} \mrks{4}

\item Another question \lines{3} \mrks{4.5} % try 4

\item Another question \lines{3} \mrks{4.5} % try 4



编辑 老实说,我发布的样式文件不是我写的。这是几年前别人写的,我们联系不上他。我真的很想实现 David 的建议,但这超出了我对乳胶的理解和经验。我很想学习低级乳胶编码,但由于时间有限,我负担不起。任何针对我提交的样式文件更具体的建议都将非常受欢迎。


您的最小示例实际上并不接近最小示例,因此我没有使用它。TeX 计数器是整数,因此您可以选择保留 10 倍的标记并在.打印时添加,或者像这里一样使用长度寄存器并pt在末尾删除。





{\par Total: \strip@pt\mrkscnt}






