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“It’s not at all clear,” Roger Mexico’s been saying, “what they have in 
mind, not at all, the Witchcraft Act’s more than 200 years old, it’s a
relic of an entirely different age, another way of thinking. Suddenly 
here we are 1944 being hit with convictions right and left. Our Mr.
Eventyr,” motioning at the medium who s across the room chatting
with young Gavin Trefoil, “could be fallen upon at any moment—pouring 
in the windows, hauling dangerous tough Eventyr away to the
Scrubs on pretending-to-exercise-or-use-a-kind-of-conjuration-to-cause-the-spirits-of-deceased-persons-to-be-present-in-fact-at-the-place-where-he-then-was-and-that-those-spirits-were-communicating-with-living-persons-then-and-there-present my God what imbecile Fascist \textit{rot}.~.~.~.”







\usepackage[pass,showframe]{geometry} % better than showframe

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“It’s not at all clear,” Roger Mexico’s been saying, “what they have in 
mind, not at all, the Witchcraft Act’s more than 200 years old, it’s a
relic of an entirely different age, another way of thinking. Suddenly 
here we are 1944 being hit with convictions right and left. Our 
Mr.~Eventyr,” motioning at the medium who s across the room chatting
with young Gavin Trefoil, “could be fallen upon at any moment—pouring 
in the windows, hauling dangerous tough Eventyr away to the Scrubs on 
 my God what imbecile Fascist \textit{rot}\dots”





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“It’s not at all clear,” Roger Mexico’s been saying, “what they have in 
mind, not at all, the Witchcraft Act’s more than 200 years old, it’s a
relic of an entirely different age, another way of thinking. Suddenly 
here we are 1944 being hit with convictions right and left. Our Mr.
Eventyr,” motioning at the medium who s across the room chatting
with young Gavin Trefoil, “could be fallen upon at any moment—pouring 
in the windows, hauling dangerous tough Eventyr away to the
Scrubs on pretending\sh to\sh exercise\sh or\sh use\sh a\sh kind\sh of\sh conjuration\sh to\sh cause\sh the\sh spirits\sh of\sh deceased\sh persons\sh to\sh be\sh present\sh in\sh fact\sh at\sh the\sh place\sh where\sh he\sh then\sh was\sh and\sh that\sh those\sh spirits\sh were\sh communicating\sh with\sh living\sh persons\sh then\sh and\sh there\sh present my God what imbecile Fascist \textit{rot}.~.~.~.”






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该宏\@tfor来自 LaTeX 内核。我们所做的就是在连字符前后添加一些胶水。您可以在下图中看到它的工作原理,该图是对上述代码进行了小幅修改后获得的。



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     \hskip0pt plus 1pt minus1pt
     \i\hskip0pt plus 1pt minus1pt


“It’s not at all clear,” Roger Mexico’s been saying, “what they have in 
mind, not at all, the Witchcraft Act’s more than 200 years old, it’s a
relic of an entirely different age, another way of thinking. Suddenly 
here we are 1944 being hit with convictions right and left. Our Mr.
Eventyr,” motioning at the medium who s across the room chatting
with young Gavin Trefoil, “could be fallen upon at any moment—pouring 
in the windows, hauling dangerous tough Eventyr away to the
Scrubs on \breakhyphen{pretending-to-exercise-or-use-a-kind-of-conjuration-to-cause-the-spirits-of-deceased-persons-to-be-present-in-fact-at-the-place-where-he-then-was-and-that-those-spirits-were-communicating-with-living-persons-then-and-there-present}



如果您愿意在 LuaLaTeX 而不是 XeLaTeX 下编译此文档,这似乎是该microtype软件包的一个很好的用途。请注意,在本例中,我已将软件包的“突出”设置设置为 false;通常,我会将其设置为“true”(默认值)。

我还会 (i) 在后面放置一个\(反斜杠)来Mr.告诉 TeX in.不是Mr.句末句号(句号)以及 (ii) 在“who”和“s”之间插入一个撇号。


% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\usepackage[pass,showframe]{geometry} % borrowed from egreg's solution

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%%% Document Proper %%%

“It’s not at all clear,” Roger Mexico’s been saying, “what they have in 
mind, not at all, the Witchcraft Act’s more than 200 years old, it’s a
relic of an entirely different age, another way of thinking. Suddenly 
here we are 1944 being hit with convictions right and left. Our Mr.    Eventyr,” motioning at the medium who’s across the room chatting
with young Gavin Trefoil, “could be fallen upon at any moment—pouring 
in the windows, hauling dangerous tough Eventyr away to the
Scrubs on pretending-to-exercise-or-use-a-kind-of-conjuration-to-cause-the-spirits-of-deceased-persons-to-be-present-in-fact-at-the-place-where-he-then-was-and-that-those-spirits-were-communicating-with-living-persons-then-and-there-present my God what imbecile Fascist \textit{rot}.~.~.~.”

