patgen: 这些值是什么意思?

patgen: 这些值是什么意思?



这些是调整连字生成所需的额外整数值。如果您使用man patgen或,则会记录这些值info patgen

       After  reading the translate_file and any previously-generated pat‐
       terns from pattern_file, patgen requests input from the user's ter‐

       First  the integer values of hyph_start and hyph_finish, the lowest
       and highest hyphenation level for which patterns are to  be  gener‐
       ated. The value of hyph_start should be larger than any hyphenation
       level already present in pattern_file.

       Then, for each hyphenation level, the integer values  of  pat_start
       and  pat_finish, the smallest and largest pattern length to be ana‐
       lyzed, as well as good  weight,  bad  weight,  and  threshold,  the
       weights  for good and bad hyphens and a weight threshold for useful

       Finally the decision (`y' or `Y' vs. anything else) whether or  not
       to produce a hyphenated word list.
