LaTeX 风格的自动 IEEE 参考生成器?

LaTeX 风格的自动 IEEE 参考生成器?

有没有可以自动生成 LaTeX 格式引文的参考文献生成器?我想使用 IEEE 引文格式。

我有超过 50 篇参考文献需要引用,但手动输入会很麻烦(来回查看引用样式教程)......网上有很多,但没有一个能以 LaTeX 格式产生结果。

我不介意生成它然后将引用复制粘贴到我的代码中,不需要将它与 TexShop 集成。

在 TexShop 中,我目前正在手动执行此操作,例如:



\bibitem{lowry1951protein}Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., and Randall, R. J. (1951). Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. \emph{J. Biol. Chem.}, 193(1), 265--275.





    title = {Inverse Kinematics of a 10 {DOF} Modular Hyper-Redundant Robot Resorting to Exhaustive and Error-Optimization Methods: A Comparative Study},
    shorttitle = {Inverse Kinematics of a 10 {DOF} Modular Hyper-Redundant Robot Resorting to Exhaustive and Error-Optimization Methods},
    doi = {10.1109/SBR-LARS.2012.28},
    abstract = {This paper describes and compares several approaches applied to compute the inverse kinematics of a 10 degrees of freedom hyper-redundant robot. The proposed approaches are based on an exhaustive method and several error optimization algorithms. The algorithms' performance was evaluated based on two criteria: computing time and final actuator positioning error. The mentioned hyper-redundant robot was projected to be used in biomedical applications.},
    booktitle = {Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium ({SBR-LARS)}, 2012 Brazilian},
    author = {Espinoza, {M.S.} and Goncalves, J. and Leitao, P. and Sanchez, {J.L.G.} and Herreros, A.},
    year = {2012},
    keywords = {10-{DOF} modular hyper-redundant robot, actuator positioning error, actuators, biomedical applications, computing time, Equations, error optimization method, exhaustive method, flexible manipulators, hyper-redundant manipulators, inverse kinematics, kinematics, Manipulators, Mathematical model, optimisation, Optimization, position control, redundant manipulators, Robotics, Vectors},
    pages = {125--130}

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同时,你的 LaTeX 代码应该看起来像这样:



\IEEEPARstart{Y}{our} document here and just to cite: \cite{espinoza_inverse_2012}

\bibliography{refs} % your .bib file


如您所见,它使用 调用“refs.bib”文件\bibliography{refs}



如果您正在使用 TeXnicCenter 中的项目,请不要忘记选择“使用 BibTeX”选项。

或者,如 IEEE 期刊模板所述:

参考文献部分可以使用 BibTeX 生成的参考书目作为 .bbl 文件

BibTeX 文档可以在以下位置轻松获取: IEEEtran BibTeX 样式支持页面位于:

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M.~Espinoza, J.~Goncalves, P.~Leitao, J.~Sanchez, and A.~Herreros, ``Inverse
  kinematics of a 10 {DOF} modular hyper-redundant robot resorting to
  exhaustive and error-optimization methods: A comparative study,'' in
  \emph{Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium ({SBR-LARS)},
  2012 Brazilian}, 2012, pp. 125--130.

