我想更新下面的 Smart Art 图表:
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9,transform shape]
every node/.style={draw,rounded corners,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont\bfseries,align=center,on grid,inner sep=8pt},
node distance=2cm and 9cm,
every path/.style={line width=2pt,line cap=round}
\node (c1)[]{
Almost uniform
\node (c2) [left =of c1,] {Complete convergence};
\node (c3) [below = of c2,] {Strong convergence};
\node (c4) [below = of c1,] {Almost everywhere convergence};
\node (c5) [right =of c4,] {Asymptotically uniformly \\ convergence};
\node (c6) [below left =6cm and 9cm of c4,] {Convergence in probability};
\node (c7) [below right =3cm and 9cm of c4,] {
Convergence in \\
$r$th mean, $r>0$
\node (c12) [below=3cm of c7,] {Convergence in $L^q,0<q<r$};
\node (c8) [below =5cm of c6,] {Convergence in distribution};
\node (c9) [right=of c8,] {Convergence ($P_{X_n}\rightarrow P_X$)};
\node (c10) [right =of c9,] {
Convergence in characteristic\\
\draw[bend left=45,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c3.west) to (c2.west);
\draw[bend left=45,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c2.east) to (c3.east);
\draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c4.west) to (c3.east);
\draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c1.south) to (c4.north);
\draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c5) to (c4);
\draw[bend left=25,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c6.north) to (c4.south west);
\draw[bend left=25,red,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south) to (c6.east);
\draw[bend left=10,red,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south east) to (c7.north);
\draw[bend left=25,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c7.west) to (c4.south);
\draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c7) to (c12);
\draw[bend left=45,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c8.west) to (c6.west);
\draw[bend left=45,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c6.east) to (c8.east);
\draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c8) to (c9);
\draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c9) to (c10);
\draw[bend left=35,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south) to (c8.east);
\coordinate(sep aux)at($(c6)!.5!(c8)$);
\coordinate(sep)at($(current bounding box.west|-sep aux)+(-2cm,0)$);
\coordinate(T1)at($(current bounding box.north west-|sep)!.5!(sep)$);
\coordinate(T2)at($(current bounding box.south west-|sep)!.5!(sep)$);
\draw(sep)--(sep-|current bounding box.east);
\node[anchor=west,draw=none]at(T1){\Large Type I};
\node[anchor=west,draw=none]at(T2){\Large Type II};
- 我没有找到如何在箭头上方添加标签的方法。
- 然后构造蓝色左箭头(标记为 Skorohod),我尝试了很多曲率组合,但从未见过我等待的那样。
- 将 Type X 移至右上方。
- 我的教授建议我使用另一种类型的箭头,点箭头、双箭头或其他装饰箭头,但简单的命令没有效果。
以下是一个方法tikz-cd。您可以使用我在正常 Ti 中使用的大多数命令钾Z 也一样。
% arara: pdflatex
,every path/.style={%
,line width=2pt
,line cap=round
,column sep=4em,row sep=5ex
,cells={nodes={draw, rounded corners, align=center,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont\bfseries, inner sep=8pt}}
,every arrow/.append style={line width=2pt,-latex}
,every label/.append style={black,font=\Large,align=center}
,every matrix/.append style={name=m}
,execute at end picture={%
\node [above=3ex, font=\Large\bfseries] at (X.north) {Type 1};
\node [below=3ex, font=\Large\bfseries] at (Y.south) {Type 2};
\draw (current bounding box.190) -- (current bounding box.350);
Complete convergence \dar[start anchor=west, end anchor=west, bend right=45]&
Almost uniform convergence \dar&\\
Strong convergence \ar[blue, start anchor=east, end anchor= east, bend right=45]{u}&
Almost everywhere convergence\ar[start anchor=190, bend right=20]{ddl}\lar\ar[latex-latex]{r}\ar[blue, bend right=10, end anchor=west]{dr}[swap]{Lebesgue}&
|[alias=X]|\textCD{Asymptotically uniformly\\convergence}\\
& & \textCD{Convergence in\\$r$th mean, $r>0$}\ar[red, start anchor=north, end anchor=south east, out=150, in=320]{ul}\\
Convergence in probability\ar[xshift=-5em]{dd}\ar[red,start anchor={[yshift=1em]east}, bend right]{uur}\ar[start anchor=east]{urr}\ar[blue,bend right=10, start anchor={[yshift=-1em]east}, end anchor=south west]{urr}[swap]{Lebesgue} & &
Convergence in $L^q,0<q<r$\\
Convergence in distribution\ar[latex-latex]{r}{Levy}\ar[blue,xshift=5em]{uu}\ar[blue, start anchor=north west, out=140, end anchor=south west, in=190]{uuuur}{Scorohod} &
Convergence $(P_{X_n}\rightarrow P_X)$\ar[latex-latex]{r} &
|[alias=Y]|\textCD{Convergence in characteristic\\function}\\
您可以尝试箭头选项,例如dotted, dashed, dash, Rightarrow, equal