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\title{Practical and Harmonization Rules for GTEL Book}
\author{Carlos F.~M.~e Silva\\ \mail{[email protected]}}
Since we are in the last kilometers for the book, which are also the most important ones, it seemed to me reasonable to write some set of \emph{rules} to follow for the book (and for the upcoming books). This will be probably unfinished document, since some rules only come when new situations arrive.
\noindent \textbf{Disclaimer}: These \emph{rules} are not strict. Many aspects are left out of the scope of this document. The author knows that others may have better ways to achieve the same (or even better) result. These also follow the \emph{Contributor's Guide v.2.0}.
\section{Use of em-dash, en-dash, an minus}
In \textsc{Wikipedia} a definition may be found for all kind of uses. The one may want to check out its uses in \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dash}. To be brief, see~\cref{tab:dash_use} for usage examples.
Sign name & Input & Looks like & Example of use \\
em-dash & \verb|---| & --- & The BS---known in LTE as eNB---has its coverage\dots \\
en-dash & \verb|--| & -- & The range 1--10 is better to\dots \\
minus & \verb|-| & - & Inter-interference, or in math $1-2=-1$ \\
\caption{Different dash usages}
\section{Reference chapters, sections, figures, tables, and algorithms}
In preamble, it may be defined some commands as the following, and then use them all over the document.
% in preamble
\section{Font for drawings}
The indication from the book's editor is to use Arial font at 10pt. However, if the author wants to use sophisticated tools like: PGF\slash \TikZ, or generate plots via Gnuplot, or even use Inkscape (separating drawing from text) and include then later in the document, there is no easy way to use it in \LaTeX. My suggestion is to use Helvetica and scale it down.
% in preamble
Algorithms are included as figures. It more visual attractive to include a frame around the algorithm and put numbers in the lines.
% in preamble
% in document
The font in algorithms is scaled down to \verb|\small|, however if required to use the text font, the \pkg{etoolbox} provides an easy way to do it: \verb|\AtBeginEnvironment{algorithmic}{\normalsize}|, where now font will be at \verb|\normalsize| for all algorithms.
\section{Use of acronyms}
In technical documents, we often use lots of acronyms. There are some packages in \LaTeX that deal with them. The one that is often used is \pkg{acronym}.
% in preamble
Lists of acronyms are defined as usual.
\begin{acronym}[3GPP ] % write the widest acronym inside '[]'
\acro{3GPP}{Third Generation Partnership Project}
\acro{BS}{Base Station}
Everyone is familiar with \verb|\ac|, \verb|\acs|, \verb|\acl|, and \verb|\acf| commands (there many are others, namely for plurals). However, some rules shall be considered.
\item At chapter, section headings, and captions (figures, tables, and algorithms) use \verb|\acs| for short version and \verb|\acl| for long version, but not \verb|\ac|;
\item Keep the acronym list manually \textsc{sorted} (\pkg{acronym} cannot do it for us).
\section{Use of units}
The use of mathematical units in our documents is very frequent. The \emph{correct} way to display units is to guarantee that there is a thin space between the number and the unit, like \verb|\,|. The one may use \verb|\mbox{30\,m/s}|, or define a command for that \verb|\newcommand{\unit}[2]{\mbox{\ensuremath{#1\,\mathrm{#2}}}}|. However, the better way is to use the \pkg{siunitx} for that, see~\cref{tab:disp_units}.
% in preamble
\usepackage[detect-all,per-mode=symbol]{siunitx}[03/05/2012] % TeXLive 2012, Ubuntu 12.04
& Input & Looks like \\
Plain \LaTeX & \verb|\mbox{30\,m/s}| & \mbox{30\,m/s} \\
With command & \verb|\unit{30}{m/s}| & \unit{30}{m/s} \\
\pkg{siunitx} & \verb|\SI{30}{\meter\per\second}| & \SI{30}{\meter\per\second} \\
\caption{Display units}
\section{Table widths}
\subsection{Labels for chapters, sections, figures, tables, and algorithms}
One of the real advantages of \LaTeX over other text processors is its capabilities to handle references. As suggestion, a label shall be defined for each
chapter, section, figure, table, and algorithm. Also, label shall be defined only after the main command is given: \verb|\chapter|, \verb|\section|, or \verb|caption|.
\label{chp:chpname} % chapters
\label{sec:secname} % sections
\label{fig:figname} % figures
\label{tab:tabname} % tables
\label{alg:algname} % algorithms
An example of usage for a table could be as follows.
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\title{Practical and Harmonization Rules for GTEL Book}
\author{Carlos F.~M.~e Silva\\ \mail{[email protected]}}
Since we are in the last kilometers for the book, which are also the most important ones, it seemed to me reasonable to write some set of \emph{rules} to follow for the book (and for the upcoming books). This will be probably unfinished document, since some rules only come when new situations arrive.
\noindent \textbf{Disclaimer}: These \emph{rules} are not strict. Many aspects are left out of the scope of this document. The author knows that others may have better ways to achieve the same (or even better) result. These also follow the \emph{Contributor's Guide v.2.0}.
\section{Use of em-dash, en-dash, an minus}
In \textsc{Wikipedia} a definition may be found for all kind of uses. The one may want to check out its uses in \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dash}. To be brief, see~\cref{tab:dash_use} for usage examples.
Sign name & Input & Looks like & Example of use \\
em-dash & \verb|---| & --- & The BS---known in LTE as eNB---has its coverage\dots \\
en-dash & \verb|--| & -- & The range 1--10 is better to\dots \\
minus & \verb|-| & - & Inter-interference, or in math $1-2=-1$ \\
\caption{Different dash usages}
\section{Reference chapters, sections, figures, tables, and algorithms}
In preamble, it may be defined some commands as the following, and then use them all over the document.
% in preamble
\section{Font for drawings}
The indication from the book's editor is to use Arial font at 10pt. However, if the author wants to use sophisticated tools like: PGF\slash \TikZ, or generate plots via Gnuplot, or even use Inkscape (separating drawing from text) and include then later in the document, there is no easy way to use it in \LaTeX. My suggestion is to use Helvetica and scale it down.
% in preamble
Algorithms are included as figures. It more visual attractive to include a frame around the algorithm and put numbers in the lines.
% in preamble
% in document
The font in algorithms is scaled down to \verb|\small|, however if required to use the text font, the \pkg{etoolbox} provides an easy way to do it: \verb|\AtBeginEnvironment{algorithmic}{\normalsize}|, where now font will be at \verb|\normalsize| for all algorithms.
\section{Use of acronyms}
& Input & Looks like \\
Plain \LaTeX & \verb|\mbox{30\,m/s}| & \mbox{30\,m/s} \\
With command & \verb|\unit{30}{m/s}| & \unit{30}{m/s} \\
\pkg{siunitx} & \verb|\SI{30}{\meter\per\second}| & \SI{30}{\meter\per\second} \\
\caption{Display units}
In technical documents, we often use lots of acronyms. There are some packages in \LaTeX that deal with them. The one that is often used is \pkg{acronym}.
% in preamble
Lists of acronyms are defined as usual.
\begin{acronym}[3GPP ] % write the widest acronym inside '[]'
\acro{3GPP}{Third Generation Partnership Project}
\acro{BS}{Base Station}
Everyone is familiar with \verb|\ac|, \verb|\acs|, \verb|\acl|, and \verb|\acf| commands (there many are others, namely for plurals). However, some rules shall be considered.
\item At chapter, section headings, and captions (figures, tables, and algorithms) use \verb|\acs| for short version and \verb|\acl| for long version, but not \verb|\ac|;
\item Keep the acronym list manually \textsc{sorted} (\pkg{acronym} cannot do it for us).
\section{Use of units}
The use of mathematical units in our documents is very frequent. The \emph{correct} way to display units is to guarantee that there is a thin space between the number and the unit, like \verb|\,|. The one may use \verb|\mbox{30\,m/s}|, or define a command for that \verb|\newcommand{\unit}[2]{\mbox{\ensuremath{#1\,\mathrm{#2}}}}|. However, the better way is to use the \pkg{siunitx} for that, see~\cref{tab:disp_units}.
% in preamble
\usepackage[detect-all,per-mode=symbol]{siunitx}[03/05/2012] % TeXLive 2012, Ubuntu 12.04
\section{Table widths}
\subsection{Labels for chapters, sections, figures, tables, and algorithms}
One of the real advantages of \LaTeX over other text processors is its capabilities to handle references. As suggestion, a label shall be defined for each
chapter, section, figure, table, and algorithm. Also, label shall be defined only after the main command is given: \verb|\chapter|, \verb|\section|, or \verb|caption|.
\label{chp:chpname} % chapters
\label{sec:secname} % sections
\label{fig:figname} % figures
\label{tab:tabname} % tables
\label{alg:algname} % algorithms
An example of usage for a table could be as follows.