如何才能使我的 BeamerPoster 的标题与实际海报出现在同一页面上?

如何才能使我的 BeamerPoster 的标题与实际海报出现在同一页面上?





\title[S. N. A. E. L.]{Social Network Analysis in English Literature}
\author{Sean Allred}
\institute{University College Dublin%
%\\An Col\'aiste Ollscoile, Baile \'Atha Cliath
\date{26 April 2013}


这样可以生成两张海报,一张用于标题,另一张用于实际内容。这肯定是可能的,但每张“理想”的海报(即标题在正确的位置)都使用一种对我来说尚无法理解的格式来beamertheme*.sty完成工作。我才刚刚开始使用 Beamer,一切仍然非常混乱(尽管 Beamer 主题样式似乎臭名昭著所以)。





以下答案基于您的代码,但请注意,可以采用完全不同的方法来解决您的问题。例如,您可以摆脱\title\author等宏并在普通或自定义块环境中插入相同的信息,以便更好地控制它。无论如何,以下代码尝试遵循您的 MWE:

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0]{beamerposter} %2378 x 1682


\title[S. N. A. E. L.]
\parbox{.5\textwidth}{\hfil \huge Social Network Analysis in English Literature\hfil}%
\author{\Large Sean Allred}
\institute{\Large University College Dublin%
%\\An Col\'aiste Ollscoile, Baile \'Atha Cliath
\date{\Large 26 April 2013}


\vskip 50mm


为了设置左上角和右上角的徽标空间,我们\parbox在里面创建了三个\title。根据标题的长度,可能需要更改 parboxes 的宽度(在本例中,我为左右 parboxes 使用了 .25,为中间 parboxes 使用了 .5)。

如果您只希望在一侧显示徽标,则只需移除其中一侧includegraphics并将 parbox 留空即可。




\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0]{beamerposter} %2378 x 1682



\title[S. N. A. E. L.]
\parbox{.5\textwidth}{\hfil \huge Social Network Analysis in English Literature\hfil}%
\author{\Large Sean Allred}
\institute{\Large University College Dublin%

\date{\Large 26 April 2013}

\setbeamersize{text margin left=0cm,text margin right=0cm} %removes left and right margins 


\vspace{-5pt}             %removes margin between headline and colorbox
\vskip 50mm

\centering\begin{minipage}{82cm}     %introduces a new margin for the content



我的谦虚和非 LaTeX-y 尝试,使用组合textpos和重新定义\maketitle(以及其有趣的用法,请注意它被排版为框架的标题)。





\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\LARGE}

\title[S. N. A. E. L.]{Social Network Analysis in English Literature}
\author{Sean Allred}
\institute{University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science and Informatics%
%\\An Col\'aiste Ollscoile, Baile \'Atha Cliath
\date{26 April 2013}

        Why, hello there!  \LaTeX{} is a tool for professional
        typesetting.  It is used by academics, researchers, and
        professionals \emph{all over the world}.  It is written in
        plain text in the \LaTeX{} format.  Like HTML, \LaTeX{} is a
        \textsl{markup language}; while Turing complete for all my
        geeks out there, it is designed to be simple to understand
        even in its plain-text form.
        Writing \LaTeX{} is easy: all you need is an editor (any text
        editor will do) and what we call a \TeX{} distribution.  A
        \TeX{} distribution is just a fancy way of saying `everything
        you need to produce a document with \LaTeX{}.  This usually
        includes the main programs (\texttt{tex}, \texttt{latex},
        \texttt{pdftex}, \texttt{pdflatex}, etc.) and a slew of other
        helpful, supplementary programs (\texttt{texdoc},
        \texttt{texhash}, etc.).  This may seem like a lot, but the
        only program you will ever have any dealings with on a regular
        basis is in fact \texttt{pdflatex},\footnote{\texttt{tex} and
          \texttt{latex} turn these source files into what is called a
          DVI, an even more portable format.} the program that will
        take a properly-formatted \LaTeX{} source file and turn it
        into a PDF.
        I am \emph{not} qualified to draw conclusions.  Ha!

输出: 输出
