\begin{tikzpicture}[squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=blue!60, fill=blue!5, very thick, minimum size=10mm},
\node[squarednode] (maintopic) {2};
编辑:请参阅以下 OP 提出的新要求的更新代码。
我已经从你的代码中删除了 tikzlibrary positioning
% formatting of the chapter title (number+text)
\titleformat{\chapter}% sectionning type to customize
[display]% shape, here number and title text on separate lines
{\numberChapter}% formatting code of the section (here chapter) number.
{1em}% in "display" shape, the distance between the "number" and the "title"
{\titlerule[2.5pt]\vspace{3pt}\titlerule\vspace{4pt}\LARGE}% code before the title text. Here for rules and the title format.
% Setting of the space before and after the title
\titlespacing{\chapter}% Place the chapter block almost at top of the page
{0pt}% space added at left
{20pt}% vertical space added before
{20pt}% vertical space added after (space between chapter title and section title, for example)
% to correct a bug, so the chapter block is really a the top of the page (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/59389/package-titlesec-adds-extra-space-on-top-of-chapter-despite-commands-to-the-co/59392#59392)
\makeatletter % the macro name contains @
\usepackage{microtype} % for the \textls command
fill = myBlue,
minimum width = 4cm,
minimum height = 4cm,
font = \color{white}\fontsize{120}{120}\selectfont %
] (block) {\thechapter};
rotate = 90,
anchor = center,
font = \color{black}\LARGE\normalfont
] at ([xshift=-15pt] block.west) {\textls[160]{\textsc{Chapitre}}};
\pagestyle{MyStyle} %% added, so the style MyStyle that you have created is used for header and footer
编辑:在 OP 在评论中提出要求后,有了新的布局。
通过这段新代码,我们可以看出,如果标题很长,最好不要对齐标题。我还演示了章节号的自适应形状,这样它就可以处理 9 以上的数字。
\newsavebox{\mybox}% for saving the chapter block, so we can obtain his width and
% formatting of the chapter title (number+text)
\titleformat{\chapter}% sectionning type to customize
[block]% shape, here number and title text on a block
{}% formatting code of the section (here chapter) number.
{0pt}% in "block" shape, the left margin
{\chapterFormat}% code before the title text (takes the title of the chapter as the argument)
% Setting of the space before and after the title
\titlespacing{\chapter}% Place the chapter block almost at top of the page
{0pt}% space added at left
{20pt}% vertical space added before
{20pt}% vertical space added after (space between chapter title and section title, for example)
% to correct a bug, so the chapter block is really a the top of the page (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/59389/package-titlesec-adds-extra-space-on-top-of-chapter-despite-commands-to-the-co/59392#59392)
\makeatletter % the macro name contains @
\usepackage{microtype} % for the \textls command
\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0pt]%
fill = myBlue,
minimum width = 4cm,
minimum height = 4cm,
inner xsep=1.2em,
font = \color{white}\fontsize{120}{120}\selectfont %
] (block) {\thechapter};
rotate = 90,
inner xsep=0pt,
anchor = center,
font = \color{black}\LARGE\normalfont
] at ([xshift=-15pt] block.west) {\textls[140]{\textsc{Chapitre}}};
\pagestyle{MyStyle} %% added
\chapter{Équations intégro-différencielles du premier ordre}
\section{Section Un}