如何在 BibLaTeX 中添加“访问日期”或“检索日期”?

如何在 BibLaTeX 中添加“访问日期”或“检索日期”?


author = {Buckley, Alastair and nee Hall, Lisa Clark and {Colantuono, Giuseppe Everard}, Aldous}, 
file = {:Users/Desktop/Downloaded/85c4687c.html:html}, 
title = {{The Sheffield Solar Farm}}, 
Howpublished = {\url{http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/solar-panel-data}}, 
url = {\url{http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/solar-panel-data}}, 
urldate = {16/5/2013} 

但我无法让date retrieveddate accessed工作,它从未出现在参考文献中。




你的问题不清楚。你想使用包biblatex吗?你的一些评论让我认为你混淆了 BibTeXbiblatex和构建文件的原则bib

以下 MWE 向您展示了如何使用biblatex一些软件包选项来控制参考书目的布局。您最后需要的内容可以在软件包手册中阅读biblatex,请尝试texdoc biblatex

请查看我的 MWE 中的评论。

  author  = {Buckley, Alastair and nee Hall, Lisa Clark and {Colantuono, Giuseppe Everard}, Aldous}, 
  file    = {:Users/Desktop/Downloaded/85c4687c.html:html}, 
  title   = {{The Sheffield Solar Farm}}, 
  url     = {http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/solar-panel-data}, 
  urldate = {2013-05-16}, 

  backend=bibtex      % biber or bibtex
%,style=authoryear    % Alphabeticalsch
 ,style=numeric-comp  % numerical-compressed
 ,sorting=none        % no sorting
 ,sortcites=true      % some other example options ...
 ,doi=true            % prints doi
 ,natbib=true         % if you need natbib functions
\addbibresource{\jobname.bib}  % better than \bibliography

Text \cite{solarfarm} Text.

其结果将是: 在此处输入图片描述


你说你想让 biblatex 使用该urldate字段,但你的例子中似乎缺少最重要的东西:\usepackage{biblatex}...如果你真的想使用 biblatex:你的 MWE 和你的问题(标题,标签)提供了相互矛盾的信息。


author = {Buckley, Alastair and nee Hall, Lisa Clark and {Colantuono, Giuseppe Everard}, Aldous},
file = {:Users/Desktop/Downloaded/85c4687c.html:html},
title = {{The Sheffield Solar Farm}},
url = {http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/solar-panel-data},
urldate = {2013-05-16}
author = {Auckley, Alastair and nee Hall, Lisa Clark and {Colantuono, Giuseppe Everard}, Aldous},
file = {:Users/Desktop/Downloaded/85c4687c.html:html},
title = {{The Sheffield Solar Farm}},
url = {http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/solar-panel-data},
urldate = {2013-05-16}



Biblatex 将自动打印 URL 的日期,因此如果urldate存在字段,则无需进一步操作。 在此处输入图片描述
