


(顺便说一下,这是一个我喜欢的样本,但不幸的是,不是 TeX......)












\begin{tabular}{SSSSSSSS} \toprule
    {$m$} & {$\Re\{\underline{\mathfrak{X}}(m)\}$} & {$-\Im\{\underline{\mathfrak{X}}(m)\}$} & {$\mathfrak{X}(m)$} & {$\frac{\mathfrak{X}(m)}{23}$} & {$A_m$} & {$\varphi(m)\ /\ ^{\circ}$} & {$\varphi_m\ /\ ^{\circ}$} \\ \midrule
    1  & 16.128 & +8.872 & 16.128 & 1.402 & 1.373 & -146.6 & -137.6 \\
    2  & 3.442  & -2.509 & 3.442  & 0.299 & 0.343 & 133.2  & 152.4  \\
    3  & 1.826  & -0.363 & 1.826  & 0.159 & 0.119 & 168.5  & -161.1 \\
    4  & 0.993  & -0.429 & 0.993  & 0.086 & 0.08  & 25.6   & 90     \\ \midrule
    5  & 1.29   & +0.099 & 1.29   & 0.112 & 0.097 & -175.6 & -114.7 \\
    6  & 0.483  & -0.183 & 0.483  & 0.042 & 0.063 & 22.3   & 122.5  \\
    7  & 0.766  & -0.475 & 0.766  & 0.067 & 0.039 & 141.6  & -122   \\
    8  & 0.624  & +0.365 & 0.624  & 0.054 & 0.04  & -35.7  & 90     \\ \midrule
    9  & 0.641  & -0.466 & 0.641  & 0.056 & 0.045 & 133.3  & -106.3 \\
    10 & 0.45   & +0.421 & 0.45   & 0.039 & 0.034 & -69.4  & 110.9  \\
    11 & 0.598  & -0.597 & 0.598  & 0.052 & 0.025 & 92.3   & -109.3 \\ \bottomrule









coltitle=black,center title,freelance,frame code={
\foreach \n in {north east,north west,south east,south west}
{\path [fill=red!75!black] (interior.\n) circle (3mm); };},}}

coltitle=black,center title}}


Group & One     & Two     & Three    & Four     & Sum      \\\hline\hline
Red   & 1000.00 & 2000.00 &  3000.00 &  4000.00 & 10000.00 \\\hline
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 &  4000.00 &  5000.00 & 14000.00 \\\hline
Blue  & 3000.00 & 4000.00 &  5000.00 &  6000.00 & 18000.00 \\\hline\hline
Sum   & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00

\begin{tcolorbox}[tab2,tabularx={X||Y|Y|Y|Y||Y},title=My table,boxrule=0.5pt]
Group & One     & Two     & Three    & Four     & Sum      \\\hline\hline
Red   & 1000.00 & 2000.00 &  3000.00 &  4000.00 & 10000.00 \\
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 &  4000.00 &  5000.00 & 14000.00 \\
Blue  & 3000.00 & 4000.00 &  5000.00 &  6000.00 & 18000.00 \\\hline\hline
Sum   & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00

Group & One     & Two     & Three    & Four     & Sum      \\\hline\hline
Red   & 1000.00 & 2000.00 &  3000.00 &  4000.00 & 10000.00 \\
Green & 2000.00 & 3000.00 &  4000.00 &  5000.00 & 14000.00 \\
Blue  & 3000.00 & 4000.00 &  5000.00 &  6000.00 & 18000.00 \\\hline\hline
Sum   & 6000.00 & 9000.00 & 12000.00 & 15000.00 & 42000.00



定制的可能性几乎是无穷无尽的,一切都取决于编写适合您需求的自定义 tcb 样式。示例(经过一些修改)取自tcolorbox手动的, 部分/tcb/tabularx


我也赞成 给出的指导booktabs,并且通常更喜欢简单、朴素的表格。但是,您可能希望引起人们对给定行的最高值的注意 --- 例如,您的教学评估分数表。(也就是说,一份可能比您想放在书中的内容“更响亮”的文档。)在这种情况下,也许某种颜色适合电子表格,但您宁愿只使用粗体来表示打印版本。等等。


\documentclass[12pt, oneside, landscape]{memoir}

% \blackandwhitetrue

   Numbers        = OldStyle ,
   ItalicFont     = LinLibertineOI ,
   BoldItalicFont = LinLibertineOBI ,
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  \addfontfeature{RawFeature=+tnum;-onum}%  <--- requires LuaTeX


  \newcommand{\cheading}[2]{\textbf{#1\hfill #2}}
  \newcommand{\highest}[1]{\textbf{#1}}% == highest score for question
  \newcommand{\cheading}[2]{\textcolor{Maroon}{\textbf{#1\hfill #2}}}


\cheading{Fake Course Evaluation Summary for \textsc{course
    1234y}}{Sept.\ 2010 --- May 2011}

\begin{longtable}{@{}l rr rr rr rr rr rr}
% pairs: absolute number (percentage)

 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Excellent}}}
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Very Good}}}
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Good}}}
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Average}}}
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Poor}}}
 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{{\bfseries Very Poor}}} \\

% \midrule

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 2 & (7.14) & 4 &
(14.29) & \highest{12} & \highest{(42.86)} & 4
& (14.29) & 6 & (21.43) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 3 & (10.71) &
\highest{15} & \highest{(53.57)} & 5 & (17.86) & 5 & (17.86) & 0 &
(0.00) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 4 & (14.29) & 8 &
(28.57) & \highest{15}
& \highest{(53.57)} & 1 & (3.57) & 0 & (0.00) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 3 & (10.71) & 8 &
(28.57) & \highest{10} & \highest{(35.71)}
& 5 & (17.86) & 2 & (7.14) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 6 & (21.43) &
\highest{9} & \highest{(32.14)}
& 4 & (14.29) & \highest{9} & \highest{(32.14)} & 0 & (0.00) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{10} &
\highest{(35.71)} & \highest{10} & \highest{(35.71)}
& 3 & (10.71) & 5 & (17.86) & 0 & (0.00) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{12} &
\highest{(42.86)} & \highest{12} & \highest{(42.86)} & 3
& (10.71) & 1 & (3.57) & 0 & (0.00) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{12} &
\highest{(42.86)} & 3 & (10.71) & 7
& (25.00) & 5 & (17.86) & 1 & (3.57) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{10} &
\highest{(35.71)} & 6 & (21.43) & 6 & (21.43) & 6 & (21.43)
& 1 & (3.57) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 5 & (17.86) & 5 &
(17.86) & \highest{12} & \highest{(42.86)} & 2 & (7.14)
& 3 & (10.71) & 1 & (3.57)\\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 3 & (10.71) & 8 &
(28.57) & \highest{11} & \highest{(39.29)} & 3 & (10.71) & 3 & (10.71)
& 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{18} &
& 5 & (17.86) & 3 & (10.71) & 1 & (3.57) & 1 & (3.57) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & \highest{15} &
& 7 & (25.00) & 2 & (7.14) & 2 & (7.14) & 2 & (7.14) & 0 & (0.00) \\

Some question about the Instructor or Course & 3 & (10.71) &
\highest{13} & \highest{(46.43)} & 4 & (14.29) & 6 & (21.43) & 2
& (7.14) & 0 & (0.00) \\




评论:\blackandwhitetrue如果要禁用颜色, 请取消注释。并且\addfontfeature命令\AtBeginEnvironment需要fontspec包。



一位经常被引用的印刷工,罗伯特·布林赫斯特在他的书中谈到表格印刷风格的要素,第 70-71 页:



  1. 所有文本都应水平放置,或者在极少数情况下倾斜放置。如果文本是日语或中文,则将列标题设置为垂直以节省空间是可行的,但如果文本是用拉丁字母书写的,则不切实际。
  2. 字体太小或太紧凑,阅读不舒适,这不是解决方案。
  3. 应该有最少量的家具(规则,框,点和其他用于穿越印刷空间的导轨)和最大量的信息。
  4. 规则、色块或其他指南和分隔符(如果有必要)应沿着主要的阅读方向运行:对于列表、索引和一些数字表,则垂直运行,否则水平运行。
  5. 位于表格边缘的线,将第一列或最后一列与相邻的空白区域分隔开,通常没有任何作用。
  6. 表格与其他多列文本一样,其内部必须包含足够量的空白。

关于第三点,爱德华·塔夫特创造了“数据墨水比”一词,其含义为(从量化信息的可视化展示,第 93 页):


之后,您通常可以用空格替换表格中使用的任何规则。同样,在表格中显示大量数据时,不要使用“斑马条纹”行,您可以在行组之间添加垂直空白(或背景颜色),例如 3 或 5 行(假设行是可以整除的),以便更容易跟踪信息。

这是我在 baselinegrid 中为游戏制作的备忘单的示例(它是纯 XeTeX 格式,因此可以使用 进行编译xetex):

\def\mainfont{Myriad Pro}
\font\bodyfont="\mainfont:mapping=tex-text;+onum" at 8bp \let\tenrm\bodyfont
\font\boldfont="\mainfont/B" at 8bp \let\tenbf\boldfont

  \vrule height .7\baselineskip depth .3\baselineskip width 0pt}


  \noalign{\global\rowcount=0 \medbreak}
  \bf #1& LVL& LDR& ATT& DEF& INI& SPD& HP& DMG\crcr


\def\maybeskip{\ifnum\rowcount=2 \global\rowcount=0 \smallbreak
  \else \global\advance\rowcount by 1 \fi}

\halign{#\hfil\strut&& \quad\hfil#\crcr
  Goblin&         2& 35&  16& 10& 4& 2& 20&  2--4\cr
  Furious Goblin& 2& 40&  14& 14& 6& 3& 38&  3--8\cr
  Orc&            3& 60&  16& 17& 4& 2& 65&  7--10\cr
  Catapult&       3& 120& 33& 15& 4& 2& 80&  5--9\cr
  Veteran Orc&    4& 140& 25& 25& 6& 3& 110& 15--20\cr
  Shaman&         4& 200& 24& 32& 5& 3& 160& 15--18\cr
  Thorn-Hunter&   1& 8&    4&  1& 2& 3& 5&   1--2\cr
  Thorn-Warrior&  1& 8&    4&  3& 4& 3& 8&   1--3\cr
  Fire Dragonfly& 1& 9&    3&  1& 5& 3& 6&   1--3\cr
  Lake Dragonfly& 1& 9&    3&  1& 6& 4& 6&   1--3\cr
  Devilfish&      1& 12&   6&  4& 6& 3& 10&  1--3\cr
  Venomous Spider&1& 12&   5&  1& 4& 3& 10&  2--3\cr
  Cave Spider&    1& 14&   4&  4& 2& 3& 14&  2--4\cr
  Hyena&          2& 20&   8&  8& 4& 3& 14&  3--4\cr
  Pirate&         2& 25&   8&  4& 4& 3& 20&  3--5\cr
  Swamp Snake&    2& 28&  12&  8& 4& 2& 25&  3--5\cr
  Fire Spider&    2& 30&  12& 12& 6& 3& 27&  4--5\cr
  Snake&          2& 30&  14&  8& 5& 2& 28&  3--6\cr
  % ...

