LaTeX - PGF groupplot - 极轴

LaTeX - PGF groupplot - 极轴


我想要可视化 20 至 20.000 Hz 范围内每个三分之一倍频程的音频信号的极性分布特性








ang f1  f2  f3  f4  f5  f6  f7  f8  f9  f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 f19 f20 f21 f22 f23 f24 f25 f26 f27 f28 f29 f30
-90 0.5 0.46    0.62    0.95    0.33    0.43    0.58    0.42    0.28    0.51    0.87    0.49    0.55    0.25    0.64    0.11    0.09    0.74    0.19    0.64    0.15    0.77    0.61    0.05    0.3 0.57    0.69    0.46    0.24    0.4
-60 0.73    0.47    0.56    0.63    0.57    0.73    0.43    0.39    0.66    0.24    0.62    0.56    0.88    0.35    0.36    0.77    0.87    0.29    0.33    0.91    0.74    0.58    0.46    0.16    0.8 0.91    0.44    0.91    0.82    0.43
-30 0.41    0.33    0.71    0.88    0.56    0.33    0.59    0.22    0.01    0.27    0.1 0.25    0.35    0.59    0.02    0.23    0.26    0.76    0.22    0.78    0.15    0.97    0.59    0.77    0.85    0.18    0.51    0.09    0.96    0.1
0   0.07    0.33    0.29    0.04    0.66    0.1 0.19    0.43    0.7 0.84    0.87    0.14    0.41    0.43    0.23    0.66    0.1 0.74    0.77    0.51    0.05    0.08    0.7 0.65    0.76    0.18    0.07    0.32    0.56    0.36
30  0.59    0.17    0.24    0.29    0.26    0.72    0.46    0.68    0.47    0.52    0.42    0.85    0.07    0.84    0.31    0.29    0.39    0.64    0.3 0.73    0.07    0.58    0.3 0.45    0.83    0.2 0.63    0.23    0.45    0.41
60  0.46    0.15    1   0.11    0.15    0.35    0.91    0.48    0.4 0.5 0.25    0.52    0.67    0.34    0.67    0.7 0.33    0.03    0.16    0.74    0.58    0.38    0.56    0.28    0.4 0.94    0.32    0.64    0.86    0.09
90  0.84    0.42    0.01    0.49    0.73    0.88    0.35    0.58    0.11    0.09    0.73    0.45    0.58    0.96    0.62    0.8 0.94    0.99    0.63    0.82    0.53    0.63    0.58    0.4 0.56    0.33    0.24    0.51    0.06    0.52


\foreach \x in {1,...,30}
{   \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\scalingfactor]
        \addplot table
        [   x=ang,
        ] {\polardata};
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mynewline}{mod(\x-1,\plotsperrow) == \plotsperrow -1 ? 1 : 0}
    \ifthenelse{1 = \mynewline}{\\}{}
\caption{many bogus plots}






\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.63]
    \foreach \r in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} {
        \foreach \c in {0,1,2} {
            \draw ({\c*6.5+0.5},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5}) -- ({(\c+1)*6.5-0.5},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5}); % x-axis
            \draw ({(\c+1)*6.5-0.5},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5}) arc (0:180:2.75); % y-axis
            \foreach \a/\l in {30/60,60/30,90/0,120/-30,150/-60} { % angles
                \draw[black!30] ({\c*6.5+3.25},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5}) -- ({\c*6.5+3.25+2.75*cos(\a)},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5+2.75*sin(\a)});
                \draw ({\c*6.5+3.25+3*cos(\a)},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5+3*sin(\a)}) node[scale=0.5] {\l°};
            \foreach \b/\m in {0/0,0.25/20,0.5/40,0.75/60} { % dB
                \draw[black!30] ({(\c+1)*6.5-3.25+2.75*\b},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.5}) arc (0:180:{2.75*\b});
                \draw ({(\c+1)*6.5-3.05+2.75*\b},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.63}) node[scale=0.5] {\m};
            \draw ({(\c+1)*6.5-3+2},{26-(\r+1)*4+0.27}) node[scale=0.5] {[dB]};
    % those have to be placed manually [or I don't know the way to automatize it]
    \coordinate[label=below:100 Hz] () at (3.25,22.6);
    \draw   (4.4,22.5) -- ...
    \coordinate[label=below:125 Hz] () at (9.75,22.6);
    \draw   (11.1,22.5) -- ...
    ... and the other frequencies

