BibTeX 如何对参考文献进行排序?

BibTeX 如何对参考文献进行排序?

LaTeX 如何对参考文献进行排序,因为它导致我使用的第一个参考文献在文档中编号为 [2] 而不是 [1]。见下文:

医疗应用中已以各种方式引入技术来支持提醒的传递 [2]。迄今为止,最普遍的提醒传递方式之一是使用手机,尤其是在为痴呆症患者提供支持的领域 [1, 3]。

本段中的参考文献 [2] 是我的文件中的第一个参考文献.bib,我怎样才能让它显示为 [1]?


Technology has been introduced in various ways within healthcare applications to support the delivery of reminders \cite{GatorTechSmartHouse}. One of the most prevalent appraches to date for the delivery of reminders has been through the use of mobile phones, especially within the domain of provision support for persons with dementia \cite{NextGenerationOfMobileMedicationManagementSolutions, VideoRemindersAsCognitiveProstheticsForPeopleWithDementia}.



    Author = {S. Helal, W. Mann, H. El-Zabadani, J.King, Y. Kaddoura, E. Jansen},
    Title = {The {G}ator {T}ech {S}mart {H}ouse: a programmable pervasive space},
    Journal = {Computer},
    Volume = {38, No. 3},
    Pages = {50-60},
    Year = {2001}

    Author = {C.D. Nugent, D. Finlay, R. Davis, M. Mulvenna, J. Wallace, C. Paggetti, E. Tamburini, N. Black},
    Title = {The next generation of mobile medication management solutions},
    Journal = {International {J}ournal of {E}lectronic {H}ealthcare},
    Volume = {3, No. 1},
    Pages = {7-31},
    Year = {2007}

    Author = {S. O'Neill, S. Manson, G. Parente, M.P. Donnelly, C.D. Nugent, S. McClean, B. Scotney, D. Craig},
    Title = {Video reminders as cognitive prosthetics for people with dementia},
    Journal = {Ageing {I}nternational},
    Volume = {36, No. 2},
    Pages = {267-282},
    Year = {2011}




因为plainbib 样式是按照作者的字母顺序排列的。

另外:您的 bib 条目是错误的。作者应该用逗号分隔,and而不是逗号:

    Author = {S. Helal and W. Mann and H. El-Zabadani and J. King and Y. Kaddoura and E. Jansen},
    Title = {The {Gator} {Tech} {Smart} {House}: a programmable pervasive space},
    Journal = {Computer},
    Volume = {38, No. 3},
    Pages = {50-60},
    Year = {2001}


