有没有办法将文件路径前缀(最好由键定义)添加到 的“参数”中\addplot table
table file path/.initial = {./}}
table file path = {./cvsfile/}}
% Plot ./cvsfile/myfile
\addplot table {myfile};
\def\pgfplotstable@loc@TMPa{\pgfutil@in@{ }}%
\def\\{\string\\}% just to make sure we don't try to open inline table data...
\openin\r@pgfplots@reada=\csname pgfk@/pgfplots/table file path\endcsname\[email protected]
\openin\r@pgfplots@reada=\csname pgfk@/pgfplots/table file path\endcsname\pgfplotstableread@filename\relax
You requested to open table '\pgfplotstableread@filename', but there is also a '\[email protected]'.
TeX will automatically append the suffix '.tex', so I will now open '\[email protected]'.
Please make sure you don't accidentally load TeX files - this may produce unrecoverable errors.}%
\pgfplotsthrow{no such table file}{\pgfplots@loc@TMPa}{\pgfplotstableread@filename}{Could not read table file '\csname pgfk@/pgfplots/table file path\endcsname\pgfplotstableread@filename'. In case you intended to provide inline data: maybe TeX screwed up your end-of-lines? Try `row sep=crcr' and terminate your lines with `\string\\' (refer to the pgfplotstable manual for details)}\pgfeov%
table file path/.initial = {./}}
table file path = {./cvsfile/}
% Plot ./cvsfile/myfile
\addplot table {myfile2.txt};