1. This is some very long
sentence that might need
several lines. Does the
next cell line up with
the last line of this
paragraph? yes/no
2. Did it work again? yes/no
似乎在 LaTeX 中没有简单的方法可以做到这一点。如果我能有一个像这样工作的 tabu(lar(x)) 环境那就太好了。但理想情况下,我希望得到与上述输出类似的效果:
#1 & yes/no
\item \yesno{\lipsum*[1]}
\item \yesno{\lipsum*[1]}
\newcommand*\textdemo{This is some text to demonstrate the behaviour of
what I want.}
{@{}>{\stepcounter{yesno}\theyesno.}r X @{}}}
\newcommand\yesno[1]{ & #1 %\hrulefill% only for demo to see the allignment
\hfill\rlap{\hspace{\tabcolsep}yes/no} \\}
\yesno{\textdemo \textdemo}