访问 bibtex 条目的字段(gerplain.bst 和 \citeauthor)?

访问 bibtex 条目的字段(gerplain.bst 和 \citeauthor)?


\usepackage{bibgerm}  % literatur deutsch

    author = {John Doe and Jane McDoe},
    title = {my bibtex example},
    journal = {Journal of Testing},
    year = {1996},
    volume = {15},
    number = {2},
    pages = {22--44}

Some Text with a reference~\cite{doe:1996},
but additionally I need something like
"`citet"' (natbib) or "`textcite"' (biblatex) working with "`gerplain.bst"'.




Doe and McDoe [1] 


是否有可能直接访问 bibtex 字段?或者一起使用natbibgerplain.bst?或者将“转换”bibtex-bstbiblatex-bbx


重做gerplain当然biblatex是一种方法,而且可能更适合未来。另一种方法是添加gerplain.bst使其与 兼容所需的小改动natbib。这些大多是从 复制而来plainnat.bst。所以这里是gerplainnat.bst


到目前为止,这就是我所做的 - 以防有人需要类似的东西


    author = {John Doe and Jane McDoe},
    title = {my bibtex example},
    journal = {Journal of Testing},
    year = {1996},
    volume = {15},
    number = {2},
    pages = {22--44}

    author = {Jacobs, Katrien and Nahmias, Jean-Daniel and Angus, Cameron and Reche, Alex and Loscos, Celine and Steed, Anthony},
    title = {Automatic generation of consistent shadows for augmented reality},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2005},
    series = {GI '05},
    year = {2005},
    isbn = {1-56881-265-5},
    location = {Victoria, British Columbia},
    pages = {113--120},
    numpages = {8},
    acmid = {1089527},
    publisher = {Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society},
    address = {School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada},

    editor = {O`Brien, W.J. and Formoso, C.T. and Vrijhoef, R. and London, K.A.},
    title  = {Construction Supply Chain Management - HANDBOOK},
    year = {2009},
    publisher = {CRC Press}

    author = {Formoso, C.T. and Isatto, E.L.},
    pages = {181--193},
    title = {Production Planning and Control and the Coordination of Project Supply    Chains},
    crossref = {obrien:2009}


% change some names
    bibliography = {Literaturverzeichnis},
    andothers = {\textsc{et\,al\adddot}},       
    phdthesis ={Dissertation},
    byeditor = {\addspace\mkbibparens {Herausgeber}},
    editor = {\addspace\mkbibparens {Herausgeber}},
    editor = {\addspace\mkbibparens {Herausgeber}}              


% authors in small caps

% small caps for the "and"

% no small caps for "and" in references

    \renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addcolon\space} % colon after authors
    \DeclareFieldFormat[book]{title}{\emph{#1}\isdot}         % no quotes
    \DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{title}{\emph{#1}\isdot}         % no quotes
    \DeclareFieldFormat[thesis]{title}{\emph{#1}\isdot}         % no quotes
    \DeclareFieldFormat[inproceedings]{title}{\emph{#1}\isdot}         % no quotes
    \DeclareFieldFormat{journaltitle}{#1}         % Journal-Titel not italic
    \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{\emph{#1}\isdot}      % no quotes

    \iffieldundef{number}{\setunit{\addcomma\space S.\ppspace}}{\setunit{\addcolon}}%

\renewbibmacro*{journal+issuetitle}{%         % change order

  \printtext[]{%                  % remove parens

  %\printlist{language}%               % remove language
  %\usebibmacro{in:}%               %  remove 'In:'
    \usebibmacro{issue+date} % <<< moved it here
    \newunit\newblock % <<< moved it here

         \usebibmacro{byeditor+othersstrg}% <<< moved it here

     \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}% <<< moved it here
  \newunit\newblock % <<< moved it here

Some Text with references~\cite{doe:1996,formoso:2009,jacobs:2005}.
Also \textcite{doe:1996} and \textcite{jacobs:2005} are now able to use "`textcite"'.


