

几天前,我刚开始接触 LaTeX,听说有一款exam软件包可以减轻我的痛苦,我非常高兴。但是,我发现,我试图模拟的试卷肯定没有使用该exam软件包,因为它的评分方式和问题子部分的位置都与此有关。

所以我想在其中模拟问题行 - 我尝试查看exam.cls源代码,但对于我这个初学者来说,这非常深奥。我一直在尝试使用,\line(1, 0){some number}但这很容易超出右边距 - 我不想这样做 - 即我想要一条可以从缩进或制表符位置开始并停止在右边距的行。




您可以直接从 exam.cls 中复制代码\fillwithlines,它将在枚举环境中运行:


%                            \fillwithlines

% \fillwithlines takes one argument, which is either a length or \fill
% or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space with
% horizontal lines that run the length of the current line.  That is,
% they extend from the current left margin (which depends on whether
% we're in a question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right
% margin.
% The distance between the lines is \linefillheight, whose default value
% is set with the command
% \setlength\linefillheight{.25in}
% This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.
% The thickness of the lines is \linefillthickness, whose default value
% is set with the command
% \setlength\linefillthickness{.1pt}
% This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.


    \leaders\hrule height \linefillthickness \hfill\kern\z@}

  \hrule height \z@
  \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip \@totalleftmargin
          \vrule height \linefillheight depth \z@ width \z@
  % We use \cleaders (rather than \leaders) so that a given
  % vertical space will always produce the same number of lines
  % no matter where on the page it happens to start:
  \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \hbox{}%


\item Let $y = (3x^{2} - 5x)^{5}$.  Find $\frac{dy}{dx}$.

\item Let $f(x) = x \e^{3x}$.  Evaluate $f'(0)$.

